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Gameplay Improvement Suggestions Part 2

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I am still enjoying my time with this game although low framerate remains an issue. I have seen more things that I believe would make the experience better for all players. 

1. I think there should be an option to turn off the white dot when aiming down sights. It is there as a guide but the iron sights are perfectly fine and unless the dot itself is actually part of the sight/scope being used I find it rather unnecessary and would like to have it off. A good example is the revolver, having a white dot for those iron sights is pointless unless you prefer it. 

2. It would be nice to have the ability to lock your equipment like you can in destiny. Some items you definitely want to keep so if they are locked that means they cannot be sold or broken down by accident  and it would also make inventory management easier because if i see a lock symbol i know right away which one it is so i don’t have to hover over it to check

3. In the inventory it should keep the same items next to each other. It is odd having to look around to see how many of x weapon i have because they are all scattered randomly as far as i can tell. And it would also help to have a sorting filter for gear. The sorting options could be weapon type, dps, damage type, weight, etc. 

4. Something that annoys me and I really hope they change is that you cannot unequip a weapon when it is the one currently being held. So i have to back out of the menu, switch weapons and then go back in to change out the first one one. 

5. I wish you didn’t have to unequip a weapon first at the top before you are able to put something in it’s place. An ideal system for me would be: you select a weapon from your inventory, click on a button that says “equip”, then the cursor jumps to the top with your currently equipped guns, and whichever of the four you click on is the one that gets replaced (including if it’s the one currently being held by your character)

6. This is relatively minor, but when I have skill points left over to spend and i open the menu it always takes me to the character screen. I don’t think this happens when all points have been spent but i can’t remember. Either way i hope they make it so that no matter what whenever you open the menu it brings you back to the last tab you left off on. I sometimes like waiting to assign skill points but then i have to deal with this issue. If i want to look at the map, every time I open the menu I have to move over 3 tabs because it always starts on the character screen.  

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To caveat on this I had a quick note. Please stop making my character draw their weapon whenever I enter a new area. Sometimes it happens hitting the elevator buttons! It's getting kind of annoying having to holster it every 3 minutes. And I Know what I'm about to say next isn't really an improvement, but I would like to see some more of Captain Irion in Future DLCs. That Zapp Brannigan son of bitch has to have some hilarious adventures with his med bot, and I would like to play a part in that. Any how, Great Game! ****ing loving every minute of it! 

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The character  generator is pretty good and the game even throws in a joke at least the first time you make one it's something  like "go on, don't be shy". Problem is we never see our character in conversation after that. Maybe because it wasn't voice acted I don't know but it would be cool to see the camera pan back and fourth every now and again.  A non lethal means of killing a enemies would be interesting, the pod is full of people needed to build a society  not soldiers who are like "glad I packed my AK in my briefcase just in case that city planning  deal went south, lets go!" Maybe gas, stun gun, blinding enemies with spacers choice face cream  idk.

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