tophuang Posted October 17, 2019 Posted October 17, 2019 How to increase the duration of "Knock down" or status of "Prone"? I was tryign to find out the way to increase the duraton of "knock down" from the fighter's level 1 ability, but I couldn't located it in neither statuseffects.gamedatabundle or ability.gamedatabundle. In ability.gamedatabundle file, I found the following content, but no effect after I edited the highlighted line. { "$type": "Game.GameData.WeaponAttackAbilityGameData, Assembly-CSharp", "DebugName": "Knock_Down", "ID": "fa55ed74-c4b8-4a8b-a548-bac4e7350099", "Components": [ { "$type": "Game.GameData.GenericAbilityComponent, Assembly-CSharp", "KeywordsIDs": [], "DisplayName": 32, "Description": 3099, "DescriptionTactical": -1, "UpgradeDescriptions": [], "UpgradedFromID": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000", "Vocalization": "AbilityCast", "Icon": "gui/icons/abilities/fighter/knockdown.png", "UsageType": "ClassPowerPool", "UsageValue": 1, "AbilityClassID": "6e6750b6-61d7-4b61-9713-55957e0f0591", "AbilityLevel": 1, "IsPassive": "false", "StackingRuleOverride": "Default", "TriggerOnHit": "false", "IsModal": "false", "ModalGroupID": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000", "IsCombatOnly": "false", "IsNonCombatOnly": "false", "HideFromUI": "false", "ShowStatusEffects": "false", "HideFromCombatLog": "false", "UniqueSet": "None", "NoiseLevelID": "15743f94-1026-40b0-8e13-a667b3f66f63", "DurationOverride": 0, "OverrideEmpower": "Default", "ClearsOnMovement": "false", "CannotActivateWhileInStealth": "false", "CannotActivateWhileInvisible": "false", "ActivationPrerequisites": { "Conditional": { "Operator": 0, "Components": [] } }, "ApplicationPrerequisites": { "Conditional": { "Operator": 0, "Components": [] } }, "DeactivationPrerequisites": { "Conditional": { "Operator": 0, "Components": [] } }, "PowerLevelScaling": { "ScalingType": "Default", "BaseLevel": 0, "LevelIncrement": 1, "MaxLevel": 0, "DamageAdjustment": 1, "DurationAdjustment": 1, "BounceCountAdjustment": 0, "ProjectileCountAdjustment": 0, "AccuracyAdjustment": 0, "PenetrationAdjustment": 0 }, "StatusEffectKeywordsIDs": [], "StatusEffectsIDs": [], "RandomizeStatusEffect": "false", "VisualEffects": [], "SelfMaterialReplacementID": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000", "AttackID": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000", "AITargetingConditional": { "Conditional": { "Operator": 0, "Components": [] }, "Scripts": [] }, "AudioEventListID": "d60b529a-d95f-4b48-aecb-dc5403035c5a", "GrantedViaScript": "false" }, { "$type": "Game.GameData.ProgressionUnlockableComponent, Assembly-CSharp" }, { "$type": "Game.GameData.WeaponAttackAbilityComponent, Assembly-CSharp", "Type": "Primary", "Range": "Melee", "AttackVariationID": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000", "RecoveryTimeID": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000", "BonusDamageMultiplier": 1, "BonusAccuracy": 10, "BonusPenetration": 0, "BonusPushDistance": 0, "DefendedBy": "Fortitude", "AfflictionsDefendedBy": "Count", "InterruptsOn": "Graze", "InterruptType": "Prone", "ApplyEffectsToPrimaryOnly": "false", "AttackKeywordsIDs": [], "AttackStatusEffectsIDs": [], "AttackVisualEffects": [ { "VisualEffect": "prefabs/effects/abilities/fighter/fx_knockdown_hit.prefab", "AttachPoint": "Head", "AttachObject": "Target", "AttachMode": "Position", "MeshType": "None", "Event": "OnHit", "AnimEventID": 0, "Loop": "false", "Scale": "false" } ], "IsMultiHit": "false", "ProjectilePrefab": "", "ProjectileCount": 0 } ] },
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