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[Bug] 1.2.2 Respec gave additional skills



So I did a respec on my character (Ravager) yesterday, and noticed when doing the level ups that I had somehow gained two additional proficiencies. So I made a save before using a mod remove them in case I messed things up. Just noticed today that I also have two first level Fighter abilities; Knock Down and Constant Recovery. Going back over my saves it appears to have happened at the same time as the proficiencies, I just missed it then. Further respecs make yeild the same results. Not only that, but going back to my oldest save and respecing also gives me the story quest abilities that I haven't already obtained.


Attached a save from before the respec and the one mentioned above: http://www.mediafire.com/file/55t610g6a3gnmh4/Respec_Bug.rar/file


Both saves are from 1.2.2, however the test I did today on my older saves were done on 2.0, in case that might make a difference.

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