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Hey guys, 


I made a similar thread about this for the RDC, but now that I'm working on my pro-Principi character, I wanted to get some feedback as to PoE1 choices that would best "fit" that kind of character. This is sort of tough for me for a few reasons. 


1. The Principi as an organization is a lot more fluid, with fewer race restrictions on membership, fewer cultural borders, and few political interests. So, it's entirely possible that your Watcher, while of a criminal bent, might have never even heard of them before sailing to the Deadfire, and definitely wouldn't have the kind of nationalistic reasons behind his decisions that a pro-Vallian or RDC Watcher would. 


2. Where would a Principi Watcher "come from"? Well, that depends on whether I decide to go Old Guard or Newbloods. The safest bet, for the sake of immersion, would probably be Old Vallia, but then after that there's a number of different choices regarding background that could factor in to who my character is. The two options I'm considering are


Old Vallia Aristocrat for the sort of exile noble archetype, but who COULD fit in with the Newbloods


Old Vallia Slave for someone who fits in more with the Newbloods


3. Which choices are most important? For my RDC version of this thread, the only choices that really seemed important were regarding Kana and Pallegina, with other choices being more a matter of my Watcher's personality. 


Right now, I'm thinking my best bet would be to go for more of a "Criminal" type Watcher, since there obviously aren't any pro-Principi choices in PoE1, and then go from there. What are your thoughts on this? 


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