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This is a call for translators


We've got a tight-knit group of 14 mod devs who mutually help each each other


We are a worldwide group who care deeply about POE2


We almost all speak different languages, the one we share is English


Don't worry if your English is broken, our members are multi-lingual so we can work out a translator for you


I'm building a list of who speaks what


We have members who are fluent in Russian, Italian, German and Polish (sorry if I forgot anyone guys)

I (depending on who you talk to) speak English

The full list of translations is...


DE - German

EN - English

ES - Spanish

FR - French

IT - Italian

PL - Polish

PT - Portuegese

RU - Russian

ZH - Simplified Chinese


As a experiment I asked if it was possible to do a Welsh (my family) translation - turns out this is actually technically simple so if you wanna do a full translation to Japanese or Korean for example drop me a PM


You'll note that we're missing some languages from the list above (four)


If you want to get involved in a vibrant community or devs who wanna simply help each other out

PM Me for a req to our Slack


One of our artist members (the place is completely inclisional) is about to release his first fully fledged - Yay!


It's not unfair to say that without our group my friend would never have delivered a mod (well, it's on the way - seen it)

Now, think how we can help YOU!


Get your first Mod out there!

We are here to help you

PM me for an invite - I'm working on this guys...

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OK Fair warning has been applied


I'm gonna move the domain to https://perspak.com early Feb but will keep all content


There are reasons behind this move which basically boil down to unifying my release schedule


My friends are welcome to play (I'll set you up your own areas if you desire them)


Please note that this process is messy so may take a few weeks 

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