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Bugs I Have Experienced: Attributes; The Final Maneuver; Crookspur Ending - A Paradise of the Mind/Nemnok The Devourer/The Lost Grimoires.





I have experienced three bugs whilst playing Pillars of Eternity II: Deadfire.


(1) When I hover the cursor over attributes and highlighted words, it does not give the description and why the attribute is that high/low. An example is if my PC has 19 intelligence, it does not tell me why he has 19 intelligence (e.g. 18 base + 1 Godlike). Strangely, the game does work when I hover the cursor over Skills. An example being Diplomacy (1 Cipher + 2 Berath's Blessing). 


(2) When I attempt to iniate The Final Maneuver given by Hazunui Karu, she references the quest Clearing out Crookspur given by Atsura and does not give me the quest (with no mention of I having either suceeded or failed Clearing out Crookspur). One reason for this is because I possibly failed Clearing Out Crookspur because of succeeding Tip of the Spear. 


(3) I should get the "Crookspur remains a slaver stronghold, and one whose dark legend only grows. For every so often, a slave ship bears its unfortunate cargo away to a little-trafficked corner of the archipelago where fampyrs and guls are rumored to feast on kith flesh. Such ships return empty, their crew and captains visibly shaken." ending with regards to Crookspur necause I completed A Paradise of the Mind by making a deal with Menzzago that slaves will be delivered to Splintered Reef regulary, however I get the "To the misfortune of many, a group of slavers remains entrenched on Crookspur. While they profit off the misery of kith, no one is able to stop them." ending. 
One reason for this, I hypothesise, is because I completed Nemnok the Devourer by siding with Nemnok and accepting (and never completing) The Lost Grimoires quest. The game could think, as one of the conditions of completing The Lost Grimoirs is killing Menzzago, that I have killed Menzzago and forfeited the Crookspur-Menzzago ending?


I hope Obsidian is able to look into these three bugs. They have, despite not being game-altering in any sense, have affected my time playing Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire as they have prevented me from experiencing my desired ending.


All the best,


Bernard White.

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Hi RingADingDingBaby,


That's got a nice ring to it. Ahem, sorry. I've added all your issues to our database. The first one I've added as feedback for tooltip functionality to be given to attribute stat numbers. The other two you've mentioned here, I've added as issues for our developers to investigate. For issues 2 and 3 that you've listed here, can you please provide us with save files both before and after the observed issue has occurred for each of these?





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