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No Companion Reputation No Matter What I Do



While many of my companions have +1 or +2 with each other, none of them have connected with me (0 for all, even if the dialogue/writing has them repeatedly react positively to my actions).


I'm pretty far into Neketaka right now, so I'm not sure if perhaps it's normal to have 0 reputation with companions (Factions are reacting to me fine though) or if there's something wrong (and so, I don't want to go further in the game until I get this figured out).



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I have that problem with Pallegina and Maia.  I had finished a lot of secondary quests before I brought them in.  The other companions were at level 2 reputation with my main, but nothing I say or do makes Pallegina or Maia like me.  Maybe Serafen, Xoti, Eder and Tekehu are just easy because they like it when I'm snarky/clever.  I don't care about Maia so much, but I really wanted Pallegina to warm up.  Right now, they both just guard the ship.

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