We all know that in order to get a decent review you'll have to spend a little bit of money.
So what do you think, how much should Obsidian spend on decent reviews, if any? 9.0 can get expensive but I bet the mainstream review outlets would give 8.8 for a decent contribution at the very least.
Why should Obsidian be left out when every other major company and publisher benefits from this strategy? On the one hand, not doing it earns them my respect, and that of my peers. On the other hand, not buying reviews often leads to low scores no matter the quality of the game in question. It's a tough question so I was wondering what you thought:
Should Obsidian try something new and bribe reviewers like most other companies do?
Should they abstain and spend the money on the game instead?
I am leaning on the second option myself. We know what we want already and probably could care less what the main review outlets will think; but I'd still rather they be more successful than not.