Can't find info on what's in Edér's pipe!
As a farm guy he should be fond of Goldrot Chew, but I don't know for sure if it's possible to smoke that one...
Word "сhew" indicates that it's being chewed, on the other hand there is non smokable chewing tobacco, still may it be Edér's preference?
My guess it's whiteleaf - he is so calm and it's common in Dyrwood...
I guess he should be more relaxed if it's swef, but who knows?!
Carow Golan - could it be something to smoke?
We should know more about ripple sponge, maybe some aumaua will share their wisdom... most certain it's for chewing as well, still most of thing could be smoked.
Snowcap is another category / story, and we already have Zahua.
Will we know more about this in Deadfire? What do you think?