OK. I'm level 3. I have five companions, didn't clear the temple of dead god, could not reach lord Raedric (how could you enter his castle? Developers must wanted players to ask this). I completed weapon shipment quest, but didn't clear that area where you found shipment because forest lurker is too hard for me. I'm chanter and I met Kana and recruited him.
At Caed Nud I met with shadows (I play easy difficulty). Lots of shadows! At least four of them are attacking my group! Is this normal for easy difficulty?
I think I will go back and clear temple of dead god, then fight Norton (do you recommend fighting Norton at this stage?) and start using food I brought just so I can increase endurance and stats.
I just wanted to ask you - is this game too hard for me? I really don't want to quit, but I feel agitated if I loose battle (I played nwn2 for too long). I welcome any advice on how to fight shadows, but if I don't level up at temple or fighting Norton, I would be forced to fight shadows at level 3 (or 4). I can't explore any other area except Caed Nud or that road that leads to Caed Nud (where you found weapon shipments).
Do recommend avoiding shadows?
Will game become any harder?
Any advice (like - game will become even harder, quit now) is welcomed!