With the recent judgement by the european court of justice on gamers rights to own and sell on the property they purchase, i'm left thinking that though good for clarifying a buyers rights and actually challenging all the restrictive articles we see in EULA's, it may prolong or possibly exacerabate the poor treatment developers recieve from publishers and retailers.
Publisher take a financial risk in developing a game, this cannot be argued but to say that developers do not is ludicrous, surely both parties should be re-imbursed to some extent for every sale AND re-sale of their intellectual properties. Thus i'd propose a system somewhat like the royalties used by music publishers, so that re-sales are not just enriching retailers but actually putting a little financial assistance in the pockets of the creators.
Obviously this would be an enormously complex undertaking, but it seems rather prohibitive for this portion of the entertainment industry to be so prohibitively ignored. What are your thoughts?