With multiple Rangers in the party, some same-type debuffs do not stack properly on targets.
The Ranger ability "Marked Prey" grants an accuracy bonus when attacking the target for the character (and their pet) who applied it, but when another character casts an additional "Marked Prey" on the target only 1 of the 2 will remain on the target, meaning only 1 of the 2 characters can gain the bonus at a time.
This would be an understandable balancing measure if the Mark granted the bonus to the entire party, or even to all Rangers, but since it only applies to the caster then both casters should be able to get their personal benefit from the skill.
Is it intentional that only 1 ranger can gain an accuracy bonus on a target at a time?
If intentional, this seems arbitrarily restrictive. Why can't both of my Rangers mark a target and each enjoy the accuracy bonus?
The Ranger ability "Wounding Shot" suffers from the same problem. If 2 Ranger's each shoot a target with Wounding Shot, only the longer-duration debuff will remain on the target. I'm not even sure if the remaining damage is considered, in the case that one character is more-powerful, or if only the duration is considered.
Once again, this seems arbitrarily restrictive. It's understandable for a single character to refresh their own DoT on a target, but a separate character should be able to use their abilities too without just overwriting the other DoT.
I'd love to see these measures lifted so that running multiple Rangers won't be penalized.