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  1. Edit: If you want to share/repost these: PLEASE, share them like they are (uncropped) and link back to me! (http://wespenfresser.deviantart.com for example) DO NOT POST THEM ONLINE WITHOUT MY NAME ON THEM! You may also link to or reblog them from tumblr or facebook. Thanks. Hey guys! No idea where to post this, because it doesn't really fit anywhere.. Anyways, I wanted to paint some portraits for some time now, and I finally “found” some time. I have also seen some people making* some things that might have been custom portraits too, so...if any of you have some stuff to show, bring it on! (* making as in painting, possibly manips , not “google&crop”..I'm not fond of that, since people rarely give credit and often crop signatures.) So, here we go! Little disclaimer: They are not the same style as the default ones, and might be a little dark/contrast-y. Also not cropped to proper size yet. I sometimes didn't know which cues in the default portraits where intentional, and I might have ignored some on purpose. ( I'm dependent on what people are posting, I don't have the BB.) Just fluffy messing around and twisting some things to my taste. Might still fix some wonkieness. Aumaua Intended as first character. Probably cipher, aiming to get a big gun. Might still mess around with the skin pattern, but I like her. Death Godlike (Aumaua Bodytype) Currently fighting with the blue one over my attention. Intended as a Bleak Walker. I have some spare heads for him, some like the ones I saw, and then ones that make him look more like one of my OCs. This is one of the latter. That's also why I rarely paint them though, black-on-black-on-black is just really hard for me to make readable. Wild Orlan The most fun one, just because. I like fluffy things. Made it a little more...you know, less hairy-person like, more.. cute? I still have a few unfinished ones, and I meant to try and make a little better poses for the one I play first. (I didn't mean to make any interesting poses anyways, but a little different wouldn't hurt.) Not sure If I'll find time, though. (I might have more time if I wasn*t taking hours to type this...DX DAAAR!)
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