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  1. In keeping with the design a god thread, and the creatures in project eternity thread. I present the Design a monster thread. I'll start: ----- The Ragman Ever wondered "Why does no-one do something to help those poor souls?" When the beggars come calling. I mean, not you, obviously, you'd love to help. Sometimes you even donate. But why isn't anything really done? The Ragman is why. Help the ragman and he'll take your place. And you become the Ragman. A shambling ragged creature, he looks like a pitiful man, down on his luck, shaking with a small cup. He's a true picture of sadness, engineered to play the heartstrings of those bleeding hearts. The weak. He seems just sad. quiet and sometimes mumbling. You never actually listen, you give him a coin and then leave. Big mistake. The moment you put something in his cup, he will latch on to you, first your arm, then something hooks your legs, and before you know it more limbs, nay tentacles are grabbing on. His raggedy cloak envelops you, you feel yourself squeezed into it. gasping, the clothes fit you now, but they are ever so tight. You can hardly breathe, only maybe made the sounds of a soft mumble. the constricting grip of the clothes make you shake, shake the cup in your hand... And as you get up from your prone position, you see yourself, walking off... The Ragman has stolen your body. You are The Ragman now. But there is one hope... Maybe if someone puts a coin in your cup... Maybe. Thriving in the back-alleys in the poorest sections of big cities, no-one has ever done much about the issue. I mean, there are stories, sure, but they are to prevent the kids from going to those places. The Ragman preys on the weak, he will not attack groups but a single member, provided he's isolated enough (or seems that way), may find him or herself targeted by the constricting tentacle-monster. More likely, the player will encounter the rag-man preying on someone else, if the player is observant enough.
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