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Found 4 results

  1. Please notice: this thread and the polls are designed only for members of the Obsidian Order of Eternity, so please don't vote if you're not a member! If you're not a member yet feel free to join us for the small membership fee of $8 which you have to add to you current kickstarter pledge. Then you can choose a title like "..... of the Obisidian Order" and introduce yourself in our Obsidian Order thread: http://forums.obsidi...nts-you-part-2/ Dear brothers and sisters of the Obsidian Order of Eternity! At the time I write this post our order counts already more than 200 members which is more than we have ever dreamt of at the time this order was initiated. Thank you all for joining us and contributing to our cause to support Obsidian in any way possible to make Project Eternity the best classical RPG ever! With the growing size of the Order I thought that the time has come to ask you about your opinion on various questions concerning the Obsidian Order. So I started this thread to give you - the members of the Obsidian order - the possibility to voice your feelings and opinions. Please vote in the polls and write additional remarks in the posts of this thread. Thank you. There are more questions in the second part of the survey: http://forums.obsidi...y-polls-part-2/ Hail to the Order!
  2. Copied from previous thread: Hello everybody, among the fine folks in the kickstarter comments we discussed a possibility to help Obsidian increase the funding of the game a little bit. We actually talked about an idea that showed up earlier on Kickstarter during the funding of the adventure game Leisure Suite Larry and became a tradition for adventure kickstarters (Want the whole story? Check this). We think this a great idea and we know, Obsidian fans are some of the most passionate gamers in the world. So we decided to start THE OBSIDIAN ORDER OF ETERNITY. How do I become a member? Actually, it's quite simple: Upgrade your pledge by 8 $ and you're in. Yes, it's really that simple. You don't have to pass a test, you don't have to choose a specific tier. The Obsidian Order is open to everyone as long as s/he adds this small fee of 8 $. If you've done so simply expand your Kickstarter-Username with "- Obsidian Order" and start commenting on Kickstarter. Proudly demonstrate your membership to this very special order of the most devoted Obsidian fans and help spreading the word about our movement among all backers of Project Eternity! Why exactly 8 $? Because 8 stands for Eternity. What do you get in return? The feeling of being a special fan amongst some already extraordinary people. Yes, it's a matter of fandom, passion and love. There is no physical or digital reward in it. Don't feel impelled to do so, this is just our way to demonstrate our love for that kind of CRPGs. Some additional words Backers of the 10.000 $ tier who are technically inable to increase their pledge are honorary members from the beginning, because they've already beaten the system. You guys really got it. So, no reason to feel sad, Notch. So now, who stands with us? Farudan, Caretaker of the Obsidian Order http://northharbour....der-of-eternity
  3. Please notice: this thread and the polls are designed only for members of the Obsidian Order of Eternity, so please don't vote if you're not a member! If you're not a member yet feel free to join us for the small membership fee of $8 which you have to add to you current kickstarter pledge. Then you can choose a title like "..... of the Obisidian Order" and introduce yourself in our Obsidian Order thread: http://forums.obsidi...nts-you-part-2/ Dear brothers and sisters of the Obsidian Order of Eternity! This is part 2 of my survey for the Obsidian Order, make sure that you don't miss part 1: http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/60736-obsidian-order-only-polls-part-1/ Please also refer to part 1 for the introduction to the issues of that survey. Hail to the Order!
  4. Hello everybody, among the fine folks in the kickstarter comments we discussed a possibility to help Obsidian increase the funding of the game a little bit. We actually talked about an idea that showed up earlier on Kickstarter during the funding of the adventure game Leisure Suite Larry and became a tradition for adventure kickstarters (Want the whole story? Check this). We think this a great idea and we know, Obsidan fans are some of the most passionate gamers in the world. So we decided to start THE OBSIDIAN ORDER OF ETERNITY. How do I become a member? Actually, it's quite simple: Upgrade your pledge by 8 $ and you're in. Yes, it's really that simple. You don't have to pass a test, you don't have to choose a specific tier. The Obsidian Order is open to everyone as long as s/he adds this small fee of 8 $. If you've done so simply expand your Kickstarter-Username with "- Obsidan Order" and start commenting on Kickstarter. Proudly demonstrate your membership to this very special order of the most devoted Obsidian fans and help spreading the word about our movement among all backers of Project Eternity! Why exactly 8 $? Because 8 stands for Eternity. What do you get in return? The feeling of being a special fan amongst some already extraordinary people. Yes, it's a matter of fandom, passion and love. There is no physical or digital reward in it. Don't feel impelled to do so, this is just our way to demonstrate our love for that kind of CRPGs. Some additional words Backers of the 10.000 $ tier who are technically inable to increase their pledge are honorary members from the beginning, because they've already beaten the system. You guys really got it. So, no reason to feel sad, Notch. So now, who stands with us? Farudan, Caretaker of the Obsidian Order http://northharbour.wix.com/obsidian-order-of-eternity
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