The wolf spider under the oak tree is giving me significant trouble.
I have arachnophobia. The orb weavers don't scare me unless they charge directly at me, but just the sight of the wolf spiders can send me into uncontrollable shivers. My heart stops when they rear up their front legs and let's not talk about what happens when their eyes turn red.
The problems begin when I go to the oak lab. The blind corner behind the leaf near the entrance is terrifying so I glide in from the nearby root to shorten my time on the ground. The biggest problem though, is getting out of the lab. The exit is in a cramped funnel that requires me to run and pray that I can scramble onto something before he catches me. That's heart-wrenching enough as it is but it doesn't stop there. He just sits right next to the door waiting for me to leave! He's just barely far enough from the door that I can get away, provided that I don't get caught on anything or miss a jump.
I never travel during the night.
Is he supposed to sit at the entrance waiting for me to leave? Is there another way out? I can live with the other wolf spiders, running into them and subsequently dying to them is definitely terrifying, but getting camped at a funnel by a spider i can't see every time I want to see BURG.L is getting harder and harder for me.
I want to avoid using the arachnophobia filter as long as I can because it interrupts my immersion, but that level of terror just to get some quests and recipes is just too much. I will use it as a last resort.
Any advice is greatly appreciated.