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Found 2 results

  1. We had a similar thread, but it seems to have sort of died off. So, instead of necro-ing a thread, I figured I'd just whip up a new one. This is for all those little ideas you get for things that could apply to P:E. Basically, not really super-in-depth discussion about how to design systems, or do things from the ground up, or whether or not to put in crafting, etc. Just various "I just happened to think of this" things. For instance, what I just thought of, whilst playing a game in which I ran into an "Investigate this area, and look for any clues to what happened/this person's whereabouts" situation, was this: How about having Perception (or perception-related skills/stats, abilites, etc.) affect your detection of clues in such a situation? The common thing I've seen is a big, blatant blood splotch on the terrain every 15 feet. And yet, people are all "Hmm... it's a mystery the details of what happened here. Who knows where this person might've been dragged off to?". So, what if your perceptive capabilities (your character's/party's, whatever) determined whether or not you find blood and/or other clues very close together, or very far apart? What I mean is, maybe you see blood, so you know to look generally in this direction. But then, there's not anything so blatant for another... I dunno.... 50ft? So, with good Perception, your character might notice broken branches/little bits of clothing, etc. You know... tracking-type clues. so, you'd say "Yep, they were here" about every 10 feet, because of your exceptional perception checks. But if you had crappy perception, you wouldn't be able to find any clues until the next big blatant one. Which, being decently far off, would have you actually searching around more before finding the exact trail something/someone took. This could work for blood, or really anything that would leave clues behind. And, obviously, some situations aren't going to be much of a mystery, and some situations are going to have easier-to-find clues than others. But, if there's any kind of Survival/Tracking-type skill at all in the game, or anything that could even partially cover that, I think it would be pretty great. Especially if there are going to be "Hey, I wonder what happened to this guy who went out into the woods" scenarios. Something a little more nuanced, instead of just "obviously there's a huge blood splotch on the ground every 10 feet... You can literally see like the next two, on the screen, within your sight range. No player would EVER not-know which way to go at ANY point in this entire 'search'." Please share your own miscellaneous ideas, as you think of them, and feel free to weigh in on individual ones. Although, if the discussion of a given idea gets pretty extensive, it'll probably be best to make a separate thread just for that idea/topic.
  2. Got some spells you really want to see again, or maybe something completely novel? Then this might be the right place to drop them. After all, having more neat ideas to choose from can barely hurt.... Since I don't want this to blow up within a few hours, here's some simple rules: - See an idea you like? Press that little green button that says so! I'll later be able to compile something like a Top10 with this information. Afaik this board has an unliking function, in case you change your mind. - Obviously this means more than one spell idea per post is bad. Feel free to double-post though. - It does not matter whether your idea is from some other game, book, movie or completely new... but if you know something like this has been featured before, it might help to say where. Can help people with getting a clearer idea of what your thinking about. - This ain't a discussion thread, keep it tidy or we won't be able to find the actual spell ideas between all the blathering. And then this topic will die horribly. If you think something sucks, just don't like it. Or create a new topic for further discussion on the idea. - Since we don't know about the general magic system at this time, spells that rely on one particular implementation (like "restore 3 level 1 spells without having to rest") are not useful quite yet. - Whoever asks for a spell that lets you romance someone will recieve an arrow to the knee. So, put on your robe and wizard hat and get this spellbook going =P
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