This began as a reply to "The Heros you will roll", I just copied and pasted everything and started this thread. The topic is "Starting Locations", but I threw in some "Speculation" (which is touching close to a "Suggestion") about the Event. The speculation, as I say "almost suggestion", is a way to allow the Player more freedom when they "roll" their characters and even narrate their own characters. I'm putting it into a quote, it starts off as a direct reply to the other thread by the way:
The point of the idea is that you'd be able to start off at a location and then go from there. So if you'd start off in Beregost you'd go from there, if you'd go North towards Friendly Arms you'd meet Elminster still at the Crossroads. In the same vein that Multiplayer doesn't intrude on the Single Player campaign, having a different "Starting Location" wouldn't need to intrude on the Plot either. Thoughts? P.S. There might be some old thread covering the same subject but I don't remember quite everything we discussed and it's also an old thread.