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  1. -My device is a Galaxy Note 10.1, running Android Version 4.1.2. -Recently also playing on Steam, experiencing the same issues -PFID#: BFAD46EC71D603F -Pass And Play is off -Permadeath is on -Story Mode So I've returned to this game after a hiatus of about a year, though I previously briefly tried the Goblins Adventure Path near its Deck 1 release. I have - reluctantly - purchased the Steam edition of the game to test how differently it runs, to potentially solve some technical issues, and to more easily get access to a bit more content. I am extremely disappointed to learn that quite a lot of bugs I have previously reported, which in turn were re-reported by other people, are still in full effect. In particular, two bugs relating to the core powers of Poog are still in full effect, which were previously reported as per the link below as issues 1 and 3. https://forums.obsidian.net/topic/93434-multiple-bug-reports-again/?do=findComment&comment=1928229 (As an aside, issue 4 is also in full effect still for me, and I haven't tested 2, but 5 and 6 appear to be fixed. Some issues from the even older bug report thread that is linked to from my previous post are also still present) To re-summarize the bugs with Poog's powers. ----------------- 1. Poog's "Shot in the Arm" doesn't (often) allow multiple characters to be healed at once in a typical fashion, and the timing of when the ability activates is often wrong. Specifically, if multiple characters provide a blessing to a check made by Poog, his power will only allow one of them to shuffle a random card from their discard pile into their deck. However, if he makes another check during a different encounter on that same turn, he may then use his power again to allow a different character who had provided him a blessing on his earlier check to 'heal' as well. In short, if 3 characters supported check #1 by Poog with a blessing, in order to have his Shot in the Arm ability work correctly, Poog needs to make 2 additional encounters to have the chance to 'finish' the full use of his power. 2. Poog's ability "Greenhorn" is not working as written. It clearly states that it banishes a boon with the Animal trait when used "for its power", and yet burying an animal with the location power from Dare or Dare (as stated in bug #2) will also trigger the banishing, though the animal's power was not used. In fact, it appears using an animal for almost any other ability (besides its own power) allows Poog to use his ability, which is incorrect. 3. Poog's ability "Greenhorn" has odd timing. After recharging/burying/discarding/revealing an Animal ally, you may use it at any point during the full turn, which is very incorrect. As written, you should HAVE to banish it immediately and use the optional draw. ----------------- As a reminder, both of those bugs were mentioned during the release of this character over half a year ago. Bonus bug. 4. If Ranzak evades a bane (or certain banes, at least) with a "Before you act" power, the new character who encounters the bane does not trigger the "Before You Act" power, nor does Ranzak, and it appears to be nullified entirely. At least, the (something) Longshanks bane, when the dice roll gives them the power to do 1 electricity damage to characters before they act, is nullified if Ranzak throws another character at the check instead. I humbly request that Obsidian, if it has the developer time to spend maintaining this game, look through my previously filed bug report threads (accessible through the link above, and then in turn from another link in that post) to ensure that most of the stated bugs have actually been fixed.
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