Purely in the interests of parity and fostering a positive attitude we grumpy old curmudgeons may sometimes be a little short of, I suggest a thread outlining ones hopes and dreams for Pillars of Eternity: What features are you particularly enthused over? What drew your eye to the Kickstarter?
I suggest this as a sister thread to Sophos' critically thinking thread, not out of any malice (indeed who could do anything but admire such a befeathered and striking Landsknecht?) But out of an honest desire for blatant positivity and juvenile enthusiasm, partaking in the Christmas and Thanksgiving spirit, where we cast our minds onto happier shores while the skies grow dark and the light abandons us.
Personally i'm enormously happy to see the level of detail Mr Sawyer is intent on bringing to the project, the fine artwork revealed so far, and of course the chance for Obsidian to give us our latest fix of choice, consequence and interaction with the fantastic.