I receive the push notification that there was a new daily challenge. When the app opened a notification prompting me to update popped up. Clicking the update option opened the Play Store on the game with an option to update. I clicked update, and when it completed I clicked Open to open the game. I looked at the Daily Challenge (Give 15 Cards to another Character), then selected Continue. It resumed the last Story I played (earlier today) and I began the second Scenario of the first Adventure (B), The Poison Pill.
I put all of my character into the General Store and began giving cards to the Bard on each turn. No notifications popped up indicating progress on the daily challenge. I tried with 4 characters, all giving no progress. I exited to the main menu to see if the daily challenge had progressed and it had not. I rebooted the game (closing the app with the app manager and reopened it). I continued the story again and tried giving cards to the Bard again. Still no notification, not even when I gave 5 cards to the Bard at once (from the Druid). I even tried giving cards to other characters (from the Paladin) with the same result. I then finished out the remainder of the rounds with nothing but giving random characters cards each turn (making sure I performed more the 15 individual card exchanges). Still no effect indicating that the game isn't even counting them in the background (and just not displaying the count or notification). I verified this from the main menu, the Daily Challenge showing there is still no progress.
This is stopping me from progressing the Daily Challenge to complete the Weekly Challenge.
OS: Android 6.0.1
Pathfinder Adventures Version:
Team: Paladin, Ranger, Rogue, Fighter, Bard, Druid
Please let me know if any more information is needed. Thank you.