As a few people seem to be playing it, may as well start a thread for it, to keep the discussion more organised than the "What are you playing now?" thread allows.
As it seems, the majority of forumites are located here:
Shard: Mindflayer
We have a custom chat set up which you can join by typing:
/channel_join ObsidianOrder
(though currently only hurlshot, serrano and shadysands are in it, with one person not responding to their invite )
Global handles:
Your global handle will be added behind every character name and takes the form: @global
For example I am @melkathi
Note: this should be the display name of your account, not the account name itself.
For friend invites, chatting, mailing etc, all you need is the @global. It means that you can find people online regardles of what character they are on and regardless even of which of the three Cryptic MMOs they are on (NWO, CO, STO).
People currently playing (in reverse alphabetical order) :
ShadySands - @shadysands
Serrano - @serranolegacy
Keyrock - @keyrock42
Hurlshot - @hurlshot
Gfted1 - @gftedUn
Drowsy Emperor -
Bokishi - @bokinator
And that's it for now.