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  1. Hello fellow Backer Beta players (and lurkers). I have a very interesting idea to propose to you guys. So listen up! I had an idea yesterday and it would require the entire Backer Beta Community. The idea is to create a series of short, concise primer videos for the newcomers/uninformed before Release Day. These videos will summarize the game mechanics in an intuitive manner and showcase "safe" class builds with their attribute spreads and suggested abilities and talents. These videos are meant to help EVERYONE. Got a friend who heard about the game, show these videos to him. These videos will help market the game to a "broader" audience. A lot of gamers are scared of these type of games or misinformed. It's our job to let them know that this game is easy to learn and understand. Yes, of course there's a manual. But wouldn't it be better to hear all that good stuff from you guys? These videos will be shown everywhere on the internet (NeoGaf, Codex, Gamefaqs, etc.). A newcomer comes across the |OT| thread on NeoGaf, asks what this game is and bam we have these series of videos CREATED BY THE BACKER BETA COMMUNITY. Free marketing and informing the public. The end game for us is for Obsidian to promote these videos on Twitter. We need them to spread OUR WISDOM. We all played the BB, we all have our opinions and strong bias towards certain mechanics, therefore we'll need some structure. Thus, I'll explain how we need to prepare. Each video will need to be concise and short. Below, I will list topics for each video and what you need to do is give feedback on what you want to talk about. When you post, reference the video you are discussing. Write as if you are talking in front of a camera to an audience. This will make it easier to compose a draft for each video. Video A: Game Mechanics. (HP/Endurance, Afflictions, Attack Resolution, etc.) Needs to short and concise and easy for anyone to understand quickly. Video/s B: Suggested Class Builds by the BB Community. Here is the fun part. Post your tried-and-test class builds. Give the exact attribute spread, and suggested talents/abilities and skills. Talk about the class in general, and the purpose of your build and how it comes together with your attributes. These class builds need to be short and easy for anyone to watch and "copy". They need to be not "super niche" builds. One video per class. Generally the most safest class build will be used. But alternatives will be suggested. So an example, the Fighter class video will showcase their typical "tank" build, but an alternative DPS build will be suggested and how you can build that. Again, write as if you are speaking to someone who doesn't have a lot of knowledge of the game. Essentially, someone wants to make a Paldain, well they watch the Paladin video and see what attributes they should pick and how they will generally play out. That's the goal of each video. Alternatives to each class build will also be discussed at the end of the video, but not heavily emphasized. KISS = Keep It Short and Simple. So, post your class builds, specific attribute spreads, a description of why you chose that and what your build accomplishes. We all will have to decide only 1 final build per class however. Video #C: Game Nuances. Things you have learned over the BB (tips and tricks of the trade) (kind of like the tips in the loading phase of the game but in a video format!). Can't think of any other topics to talk about at the moment. In conclusion, these videos will hopefully stand the test of time. 1 year from now on a Steam Sale, people will hear about this game and want to know how to play. These videos will help. Ideally, if the videos do actually get made and are high quality, Obsidian can tweet them out to get even more heads turning and listening. I may have missed some stuff to talk about, but hopefully I got my "idea" across. Let me know what you think and start contributing. As for who is making the videos, I'm not sure yet. Sensuki has stated he is up for it. But it would be great if we had "dual" or "tri" commentary for the videos. Edit: I hope I elaborated on what the idea is, but feel free to help me out on that haha. I may have just written a wall of nothing.
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