This topic is about most conserning me "Gulids and organizations". This topic is NO about IF you whant them in game becouse they will but they can be presented in many ways.
My dream of project eternity is that the gulids/fractions will make a huge impact on world and player himself. For example i allway think that "one man army" idea in D&D games (when player and his companions almost conguer whole world, kill anywon and almost play role of demigods )
I mean that in whole world where lives not only player and his companions and where filled with influencial characters/ mages, warriors, nobles, merchants etc. They will propably make own gulids and fractions to have more power (group of people should be allways stronger then 1),
It will all goes down to politics and silent war/conflict for influence.
In my opinion joining those type of gulids whould not only be "join able" but this must be absolutely necessary not for pushing storyline-forward-only but for gaining your own political influence, greatly enhance our capabilities and the availability of resources.
We alrady now that there will me stronghold, so why not gulid related-stronghold. Mage hold for mages, Knight Hold for fighters and paladins etc.
For example we have wery powerfull enemy, he has his own political influences, and ONLY posibility to win this kinf of battle is to make your own political power.
For interested i sugest to watch "Game of thrones" or read a :
A Song of Ice and Fire
George R. R. Martin
Whould you like to advance from stable boy to noble powerfull mage ? You want every mage in world to know you and power of you spells and wisdom ? You want evry who can hold a sword be insired by your's strength, heroism, courage, and skills?
If any want the same please suport this topic ...
Thank for attention.