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  1. After reading the post on the Crono Trigger party I thought my next play through would be a group of characters from another universe and was inspired to do a Final Fantasy IV party. I'll use IE mod when necessary to adjust the 'racial' abilities since I don't want Fighting Spirit on every character. I'll also use IE mod to add two Weapon Focus talents instead of one (so Kain can be a spear and pike master, more on this below in Kain's section). For attributes I use combinations of low/med/high and max, since I don't want to worry about the numbers quite yet I'll add more characters to this later, but these 7 give me plenty of variety for now (and there's not that many more FFIV characters anyway!) Without further ado, the FFIV Pillars Of Eternity Party: Character: Cecil --------------------------------------- Modded "racial" ability: Defiant Will --------------------------------------- Class: Paladin --------------------------------------- Might: med/high Constitution: max Dexterity: med Perception: med Intelligence: med Resolve: high --------------------------------------- Weapons: Sword, Axe, Shield --------------------------------------- Other IE mod modifications: Order: Kind Wayfarer Order Talents: Shielding Flames, Shielding Touch --------------------------------------- Thoughts: - Cecil as a Paladin is closest benevolent and passionate favored disposition, and deceptive and cruel for disfavored. - The shielding talents are closer to his 'Cover' ability from FFIV than any of the others (Fighter's Take the Hit) is much closer but I can't see making post Mt. Ordeals Cecil a Fighter Maybe I'll give him that talent from the console at the level when a Fighter can get it. - I think Defiant Will is the more RP choice here for Paladin Cecil. ===================================================== Character: Kain (protagonist, Kain is my favorite) --------------------------------------- Modded "racial" ability: Fighting Spirit --------------------------------------- Class: Barbarian --------------------------------------- Might: high Constitution: med/high Dexterity: high Perception: med/high Intelligence: med/low Resolve: low --------------------------------------- Weapons: Spear, Pike, Sword, Axe, Shield --------------------------------------- Other IE mod modifications: --------------------------------------- Thoughts: - If I choose to level a Weapon Focus I'll give Kain both Weapon Focus Peasant and Soldier (for spear and pike buff) and strictly use only spears, pikes, swords, and axes. Swords and axes are not buffed by those Weapon Focus talents so I consider that fair, since in FFIV you'd occasionally equip a sword or axe on Kain when it was an upgrade. I wish PoE had more direct Weapon Focus talents like: swords, greatswords, sabres, estocs, but oh well. - Barbarian because of Dragon Leap. ===================================================== Character: Rosa --------------------------------------- Modded "racial" ability: Minor Threat --------------------------------------- Class: Priest --------------------------------------- Might: med/high Constitution: low Dexterity: med/high Perception: med Intelligence: max Resolve: med --------------------------------------- Weapons: Bow --------------------------------------- Other IE mod modifications: --------------------------------------- Thoughts: - I chose Minor Threat to mimic Rosa's 'aim' skill from FFIV. She could do good damage with good equips throughout the game, so I think this makes the most sense for a racial ability. ===================================================== Character: Rydia --------------------------------------- Modded "racial" ability: Hunter's Instincts --------------------------------------- Class: Chanter --------------------------------------- Might: max Constitution: low Dexterity: med Perception: med Intelligence: med/high Resolve: med/low --------------------------------------- Weapons: Rod (no whips :/ ) --------------------------------------- IE mod modifications: --------------------------------------- Thoughts: - Chanter is the closest thing to summoner we have. - Rydia as a chanter makes sense, the whole time she is chanting is for the purposes of summoning, and in FFIV SNES when she was summoning it looked like she was chanting - The chant buffs I can live with RP wise. - Hunter's Instincts because she's spent all that time with the Eidolons and knows their physiology - Summoning of a drake as Bahamut is too hard to pass up. - If I want a wizard I'll create FuSoYa. ===================================================== Character: Edge --------------------------------------- Modded "racial" ability: Fighting Spirit or Minor Threat --------------------------------------- Class: Rogue --------------------------------------- Might: med/high Constitution: med/low Dexterity: max Perception: high Intelligence: med/low Resolve: med/low --------------------------------------- Weapons: Sabres or other one handed bladed weapons (no katanas :/ ) --------------------------------------- IE mod modifications: --------------------------------------- Thoughts: - I considered making Edge a fighter but he is a ninja in FFIV so I think rogue is much closer to that. Also, Edge is DPS and not too tanky so rogue makes more sense to me. - Edge has a temper so Fighting Spirit makes too much sense RP wise. ===================================================== Character: Yang --------------------------------------- Modded "racial" ability: Defiant Will or Towering Physique --------------------------------------- Class: Monk --------------------------------------- Might: med Constitution: high Dexterity: med Perception: high Intelligence: med Resolve: med --------------------------------------- Weapons: Fists! --------------------------------------- IE mod modifications: --------------------------------------- Thoughts: - I think Towering Physique or Defiant Will make the most sense RP wise. Yang is shredded and is a martial artist so either one make sense to me. I'll likely go with Defiant Will though, favoring the martial arts disciple aspect for RP. ===================================================== Character: Golbez --------------------------------------- Modded "racial" ability: Death's Usher or Elemental Endurance --------------------------------------- Class: Cipher --------------------------------------- Might: med/high Constitution: med Dexterity: med Perception: high Intelligence: high Resolve: med --------------------------------------- Weapons: Rod --------------------------------------- IE mod modifications: --------------------------------------- Thoughts: - Wasn't sure about wepaon type, but the Dissidia games have him using a rod so I'll go with that. - Cipher is perfect for Golbez's mind games =====================================================
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