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Watching Ellohime's Deadfire Beta stream and taking note of the differences from PoE1 (or even early Q&As), because it's easier to take a glance at textual list than to check the video each time. - It seems there are no all-class talents now. Some of them were removed, some made it into class trees. - Weapon Focus made it into barbarian's tree: - Bear's Fortitude is now a monk talent. - Iron Will is now a cipher talent. On the other hand druids and monks get Bull Will, which judging by description is the same thing. - Quick Switch and Body Control are now fighter specific talents. Being obtainable on Rank (power level) 4. - TwoHanded, 1H&Shield, TwoWeapon and OneHanded Styles are now fighter specific talents. Rank 1. - Fighters can now get Stances on rank 2. You select 1 talent and get 3 modals: Defender Stance, Cleaving Stance and Warrior Stance. Self explanatory: the first one is related to tanking, the second is good vs multiple enemies, the third one for 1x1 situations - Fighter stances can be upgraded separately on rank 5, to: Guardian Stance (bonus engagements), Mob Stance (bonus cleaving) and Conqueror Stance (bonus acc/def) respectively. Mob Stance is especially interesting: - Ciphers get a few new passive talents. One of them being: - Chants are referred as Passive Abilities - Invocations are referred as Active Abilities - Dragon Trashed requires power level 5 to acquire. (that's character lvl 9 for single class, or ch.level 13 for multi-class) - Aefyllath requires power level 4 to acquire. (that's character lvl 7 for single class, or ch.level 10 for multi-class) - Paladins - are still good old fellas we are used to. Their talents now include: Sworn Enemy + 2 upgrades (1 refunds zeal on kill, other unknown), FoD + 1 upgrade, Lay on Hands + 2 upgrades, Zeal Auras (combined, i.e. you can get all 3 for 1 ability point) + 3 separate upgrades. And ofc Liberating + Reinforcing Exhortations. But most interesting is: they get a Glorious beacon ability - that blinds all enemies in vicinity; plus 2 upgrades (Enduring Beacon granting extra deflection to allies; and 2nd unknown). We don't know which defense the Beacon targets, but if it's not Fortitude, it's one of the best Blind sources in the game because it's FoE. - Monks get a more feasible ability to gain wounds. Instead of Mortification of the Soul they get access to the Dance of Death at rank 2, and it's upgrade The Dance Continues at rank 4: - Torment's Reach requires power level 3 to be acquired. - The Long Pain requires power level 5 to be acquired. - Rangers don't seem to differ much from their PoE1 implementation. - Although they get a new escape mechanism: Evasive Roll: - Some of wizard spells, divided by school: (mouseovered by Ellohime) -- Enchanting: Infuse Vitality, Iron Skin, Minor Arcane Reflection, Minor Grimoire Imprint -- Illusion: Arkemyr's Dazzling -- Conjuration: Essential Phantom, Maura's Writhing Tentacles, Kalakatoh's Minor Blights, Kalakoth's Sunless Grasp, Wall of Force -- Transmutation: Dimensional Shift, Form of the Helpless Beast, Ninagauth's Bitter Mooring -- Evocation: Fan of Flames - Some of cipher powers, divided by keywords:(mouseovered by Ellohime) -- Shred: Mind Wave, Detonate -- Deception: Phantom Foes, Borrowed Instinct, Wild Leech, Mental Binding -- Echo: Psychovampiric Shield - Some of priest spells, divided by type: (mouseovered by Ellohime) -- Condemnation: Repulsing Seal, Despondent Blows, Devotions for the Faithful (also counted as Inspiration), Barbs of Condemnation (also counted as Punishment) -- Protection: Prayer for the Spirit (grant's Smart Inspiration), Withdrawal, Blessing -- Inspiration: Holy Meditation, Devotions for the Faithful (also counted as Condemnation) -- Restoration: Triumph of the Crusaders, Holy Radiance (also counted as Condemnation) -- Punishment: Barbs of Condemnation (also counted as Condemnation) - Interdiction (dazing enemies in AoE) is now a rank 1 priest spell. Note: there seem to be no Painful Interdiction! - Radiance is now a rank 0 priest spell. Note: there is no Inspiring Radiance now. - Alchemy was changed. It no longer is related to potion and explosive crafting as we expected by earlier Q&As. It now affects the use of all drugs, potions and antidotes. This cuts the possibility to have a dedicated alchemist in party that would create top-notch potions for the whole party. - For bombs there is a separate skill now: Explosives. Active skills: ('used' in combat) - Arcana - increases power level when using scrolls, and defines what level of scrolls you can cast in the first place - Athletics - Mechanics - btw, Perception is used for Trap Detection now - Sleight of Hand - pickpocket and reverse pickpocketing - Stealth - Explosives - Alchemy - affects the use of all drugs, potions and antidotes Passive skills: (basically conversation skills) - Bluff - Diplomacy - History - Insight - used to understand underlying emotions and motivations - Intimidate - Metaphisics - Religion - Streetwise - Survival - unfortunately Ellohime didn't mouseover this one P.S. Feel free to add to the list guys, any stuff that you have found interesting about new or modified talents/abilities/spells/and skills.
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