I've been experimenting with a few different command line arguements, and I was wondering: The game apparently supports DirectX 11, seeing as it can be ran via D3D11 with the -force-d3d11 command line arg, I've also confirmed it with API checks and the PoE output log.
My question is: If the game supports running via D3D11, why wasn't it 'officially supported', and such?. Obviously either the engine is cross compiling, or the game has a DirectX11 code path, as it runs with DXGI in D3D11, so I failed to see why it's locked "officially" at D3D9.
Two screens below, of both d3d9, and 11. If you open them both and view properly, you'll notice the directx 11 one is slightly darker - I suspect due to shader discrepancies.
#Edit: Forgot to mention - I'm just curious, is all.
DirectX 9.0c
DirectX 11