One thing that I've found myself wanting in many games is a really customizable difficulty. Many games have a difficulty slider, but each setting on that slider may have multiple changes.
What I'd like to see is an itemized Difficulty.
For Example: (note this is a super simplified example)
Say that normal mode has the standard settings. But Hard mode adds 50% to enemy HP, damage, resistances, etc and increases the AI level. Extra Hard add 100% to those values and increases the AI even more.
An itemized difficulty setting would allow the player to chose to use the Extra hard settings for Damage, Resistance, and AI but only the hard setting for enemy HP (perhaps the extra HP in Extra hard just make the fights seem to long to someone but they want the rest of the challenge that extra hard more provides).
This could also work to the benefit of people who might want an easier experience without completely lobotomizing the AI.