Guys are you serious? Both two new Cipher's spells are just so OP^2... Reaping Knives can be cast on few allies.. but even without more companions that generate you mana, focus stat raises up like hell. Use it once and you will never lack focus again. Defensive Mindweb - seriously? You give that little guy avaibility to create tanks from your companions? Just set all your companions in tank's range (in my game Eder that has 100+ points in almost all defensive stat), shot once or twice to generate reqiured focus, use the ability and look what will happen :3 Ah! for.. oh, yes.. almost a minute with just 21 Intellect! Great, my Cipher does not even need to do anything else than just cast spells without delays on Hard... After downloading 3.0 patch I was like "OMG, what they've done with Focus cost!" and now, after reaching 15th level it's like "OMG, take this Focus from meee!..."
I'm just afraid about that teal guy with sharp teeth in the depths ON... Here is the save and Screenshopt of a simple caster 111 by Gosia B, on Flickr