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  1. I think this is the second topic i've ever made... anyways. After that sidekick topic i started BG2 again and Icewind Dale. Makes me think about a lot of the little things missing/glad to be gone in PoE! 1. Text by NPC's are limited to about 1-2 sentences per text box. In PoE, they often throw big paragraphs at you. Sometimes it's kind of demotivating. I like reading as much as the next guy but just seeing a wall of text makes me groan and want to skim read. In BG even if they have a lot to say it's split up in multiple text boxes, so you can't really tell how much they are going to say. Brevity is the soul of wit! I feel like I'm being a hypocrite with the previous comment... moving on. 2. This might seem petty but, actually clicking on doors and seeing them open. It might seem like busy work but I really do prefer it after playing PoE/BG2 back to back. 3.Ammo/Limited inventory/Spell Scrolls/Death OK so, Ammo can be a pain but I think we've lost something getting rid of it, and limited inventory. What I'm HAPPY about it spell scrolls, that is one thing that is a complete pain when they fail to learn, all I do is reload immediately. Death, there was a topic a while back about this and there were people in favour and against perma death. At the time I was in favour of it, but after playing BG2, the second any of my party dies I instantly reload even though I have access to resurrection spells. 4. Weapons/Armour Weapons and Armour are mostly dull in PoE, Sanguine plate and White Crest armour are exceptions. I've heard they are working on this for Deadfire, I don't want to be overflowing with magical weapons and armour. When you get a Full Plate Mail in BG it will probably be your armour for most of the game. I think enchanting and that should be flat out removed thinking about it, reminds me of reforging in WoW. More of a hassle than anything else. Can we think of anything we'd like to see return in PoE/ the new lot of CRPG's? What are we glad has gone forever?
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