So, I'm getting a bit miffed. Forbidden Fist subclass is pretty much useless due to the duration bug with Forbidden Curse. No-one is going to play that class. And it will make new players who choose it despair and give up on the game in frustration.
Cause: The subclass cannot generate enough wounds to use abilities. Henceforth it will be a class that mainly will use autoattacks.
The issue is best explained in the three pictures attached.
It's the starting fight with Benweth and his pirates.
On FIRST use of Forbidden Fist, these things happen.
1) Damage breakdown: It applies an extra 25% damage. Which strangely is in red text. If you talk to the dev who designed the concept he/she will likely agree that this is wrong. It should apply the 25% extra damage on second curse stack. 50% on third stack, ete cetera. But not on first uncursed use.
2) Combat log. The curse duration is way way way too long for a first use. Waiting 19 seconds (best scenario) for your next wound, leads to a max of 3 wounds pr minute unless you get other debuffs on you. This duration happens because the curse doublestacks the duration with the following formula (10secsonds + 10seconds - resolve). This is bugged! Or very very badly designed. Like totally drunk-designed. Falling-down-barstool-drunk-designed. If intended.
3) The curse description is correct here. 25% extra damage on next use of Forbidden Fist. But the duration is way way too long.
4) Might bonus (over 10) means you take more damage from the curse. Intelligence bonus (over 10) extends the curse duration. This needs fixing.
You need to overhaul the Forbidden Curse implementation. The subclass is - as of 4.1 - still unplayable.
PS. Sorry for the slightly aggravated tone. But it's been broken the whole time and I know that others and I have posted about these bugs before.