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Found 3 results

  1. Old thread here. Pretty much this. In Awakenings they at least attempted to make them something more than just mindless killing machines, though I, personally, thought Bio's attempt wasn't very successful. Still, it was better than just the mindless bags of rotting flesh aimlessly roaming the lands to kill everyone that they were in DAO and DA2. In DAO and DA2, the only amount of intelligence the darkspawn showed above that of a completely mindless zombie is being able to function as a somewhat cohesive squad, to some degree. Tolkien goblins and orcs, though thoroughly one dimensional creatures, at least showed personality traits, such as greed, jealousy, and fear, that could be used to give them motivation for what they do beyond just simple bloodlust. Awakenings tried to assign some personality to darkspawn, though I found the attempt more comical than anything else, but DAO and DA2 darkspawn seemed to be driven by nothing more than a desire to kill. Anyway, maybe in DA3, the darkspawn will get fleshed out more and be shown to operate for some purpose other than just to kill? Hopefully they will go in the direction Awakenings tried to go in and do a better job of it? I hope so. I, personally, find it a lot more interesting fighting a foe that you can relate to, at least on some level, than stabbing mindless creatures of pure evil with no redeeming qualities whatsoever that you can kill without the slightest tinge of guilt (I think that's part of why zombies have become so popular in Hollywood and with game developers. They're an easy enemy to use where there is no worry about killing them being in any way morally wrong). Even when you look at a character like Jon Irenicus, who is about as evil and hateable an antagonist as it gets, there are parts of his downfall and descent into madness that you could kind of feel bad for the guy. He brought a lot of it upon himself, but you can look at it from his perspective. Corypheus.
  2. - trailer. From IGN: Release Date: Fall 2014 Supported: PS3, PS 4, XBox 360, XBox One, PC Engine: DICE's Frostbyte ----------------------------- Why Dragon Age: Inquisition isn't Called DA 3 - article - video interview First Look: DA:I Concept Art - blog DAI Wallpapers A Look Inside Dragon Age: Inquisition's Development
  3. - trailer. From IGN: Release Date: Fall 2014 Supported: PS3, PS 4, XBox 360, XBox One, PC Engine: DICE's Frostbyte ----------------------------- Why Dragon Age: Inquisition isn't Called DA 3 - article - video interview First Look: DA:I Concept Art - blog DAI Wallpapers A Look Inside Dragon Age: Inquisition's Development
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