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Posts posted by Namutree

  1. He always said he would back her if/when she got the nomination


    Just like some of us said we wouldn't support her at such a time


    We both kept our word. I don't see a problem

    The problem is that if he lost he was supposed to lose fair and square. The DNC giving Clinton an advantage nullifies any obligation he had to support Clinton.


    I wish I could say I was shocked to read the details: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3708394/Two-men-armed-knives-people-hostage-French-church.html


    If they tried that at the First Baptist Church in Covington TN they would have been shot a dozen times over before passing the first pew.

    Something odd about attending church packing heat. :p


    The point is to not live by the sword; living by the gun has a John Wayne quality that I'm sure God appreciates.

  3. Guys, this is getting EXTREMELY serious. Wikileaks just did another leak, and there were plans to reward top donors with federal positions, which has the potential to violate not one, but two seperate federal laws.


    I'm even seeing the resurfacing of a story about an alleged assassination conspiracy involving the death of a DNC staff; this is a conspiracy that spawned like a week ago, I only mention it to say the fact that people are talking about it again speaks volumes of how much people's faith in the DNC and the Clinton campaign has absolutely tanked.


    The DNC rally is today. The DNC rally is today and not only is there crystal clear evidence of some INSANELY questionable tactics with decent odds of being downright illegal, but now even conspiracy theories about potential assassinations are being deemed worth of review. Top it all off, protests have been going on in Philedelphia for ~4 hours now. How the HELL does the DNC honestly expect to elect her? Hell, even if they did (by fixing the damned election, at this rate), the federal positions scandal has potential to haunt her well into her presidency; hell no the Republicans would not be silent about that and hell no the Democrats would not be upset with the Republicans for doing so. How on earth is anyone supposed to follow a leader that's involved in shady business constantly? She is no longer electable, and while I fully expect rigged elections, she's no longer electable in the sense she gives the Republicans faaaaaaaaar too much firepower to truly be profitable for any parties involved with this.


    Something is going to happen, it'll be interesting to see what.

    Hillary for prison 2016.


    So how about those wikileaks, guys?






    It might may no difference, but for KY and WVA can we get someone to ask his belief. Does he believe in a God. He had skated on saying he has a Jewish heritage. I think I read he is an atheist. This could make several points difference with my peeps. My Southern Baptist peeps would draw a big difference between a Jew and an atheist.


    The DNC are such scum. No wonder they were in the tank for Clinton. 


    Cruz, Bush etc. are sore loosers they all lost to Trump and should either shut it or support him. 


    Why? They are free to choose what they say and not say and they are free to give their support or not to give their support to people running president. It is after all meant to be free country where you can opposite majority's views. But maybe Turkey has it right and silencing everybody that speaks against president is they way to go in democracies. 


    Cruz swore an oath to support the republican nominee. To betray a sworn oath is despicable. 


    The irony is that the republican establishment was angry that Trump hesitated to make that oath. We see now why Cruz didn't hesitate to make it; because when he makes an oath Cruz has no intention of honoring it if he doesn't feel like it.




    The suggestion the FBI is corrupt and incompetent is really the last thing the USA needs to now debate, especially when its untrue,  considering all the current social and political issues the psyche of the USA is grappling with like BLM, homegrown terrorism and police getting killed



    The FBI has little to do with BLM. 

  7. The Republican "strategy" has been to double down on everything for a long time. "This thing we did didn't work? We'll do it again like children throwing a tantrum, then."


    See Benghazi, for example.

    If that were true they'd still be pushing hard against gay marriage. They seem to be mostly backing off on that front. The sooner they get off that hill the better they'll be.

  8. Looks like Mike Pence, the governor of Indiana will be Trump's VP pick. It's a safe pick. He's a middle of the road Republican with appeals to some groups Trump is weak in. He won't grab headlines or embarrass the ticket but not much name recognition beyond the Midwest. 

    As long as it's not Newt.


    For me that would be a deal breaker. I would sooner let Hillary destroy the country than see that man get near the presidency. At least with Hillary America could die with some dignity. 



    Is everyone missing how Trump takes every opportunity to say revolting xenophobic, extremist crap?

    Revolting to whom?




    “I would bring back waterboarding and I'd bring back a hell of a lot worse than waterboarding."


    "If Hillary Clinton can't satisfy her husband what makes her think she can satisfy America?"


    “When Mexico sends its people, they're not sending their best. They're not sending you. They're not sending you. They're sending people that have lots of problems, and they're bringing those problems with us. They're bringing drugs. They're bringing crime. They're rapists. And some, I assume, are good people."


    “Saddam Hussein was a bad guy, right? He was a bad guy. Really bad guy,” Trump begins. “But you know what he did well? He killed terrorists. He did that so good. They didn’t read them the rights, they didn’t talk. They were a terrorists - it was over. Today, Iraq is Harvard for terrorism.”


    "The other thing with the terrorists is you have to take out their families”




    Fun stuff.


    That's fine and dandy that YOU don't like it, but we're talking about an election in the US. So again, revolting to who?


    Evangelicals? Aside from the Hillary can't satisfy Bill remark, they don't care. While they do care about the Hillary can't satisfy Bill remark; they don't care nearly enough not to vote for him when the prospect of Hillary as president is haunting their nightmares. 


    Nationalists? They just don't give a crap. He's against TPP and wants the invaders out. He can say whatever he wants so long as it isn't anti-American.


    Social Liberals? They weren't going to vote republican anyway, and they're not thrilled with Hillary. Most won't even show up to vote come November. Trump is crap, Hillary is crap. Why bother? That will be there excuse, mark my words.


    Internet culture warriors? The left ones will not bother to vote come November cuz' they won't get to virtue signal. The right ones find it more lulzy than revolting.


    Libertarians? I guess a few of them (see Guard Dog), but they don't really matter, and none of them will vote Hillary.

    • Like 2
  10. Is everyone missing how Trump takes every opportunity to say revolting xenophobic, extremist crap? 

    Revolting to whom?


    On those issues such as illegal immigration and the temporary muslim ban the majority of Americans agree with him. Considering that Islamic attacks are getting more common I can only imagine this is going to increase in the coming months as well.


    Unless a video comes out of Clinton clubbing baby seals while screaming "I love gun control" at the top of her lungs and stealing food directly from the mouths of starving babies, Trump isn't going to win in November.

    Every time an Islamist commits a terrorist attack in the west Trump wins a little bit among the public. If they commit enough of them he'll win, and there's nothing Hillary can do about that. 



    They'll have to do a complete about-face if they want to stay relevant in the future. If the election goes as badly for Trump as it currently seems like, perhaps Republicans will get a grip and start doing something to change their insane outlook.


    For now at least that's not a problem. As for the future, they absolutely must embrace the libertarians on social issues. They could save themselves if they're the ones to end the drug war, and if they stop fighting homosexuality. The SJW-left's Islamist pandering has put gays into play.



    It's all over the news here. The even interviewed "Pokemon Experts", as in 30 year old men, on strategies and such.

    I WOULD be such an expert, but I have no phone!!!




    Crap, I'm finally gonna have to buy a phone so I can play this. I gotta catch 'em all, and be the best like no one ever was. 


    Also here's a decent review from a surprisingly balanced reviewer that by all rights should be a Nintendo shill:

    I like that he called his Muk, "Your Waifu".



    No phone?! That's pretty hardcore.


    That's right. Screw phones. Why would I have a phone? Until now all phones where worthless to me, but now I need one, cuz' to catch them is my real test, to train them is my cause. Also this isn't the first time I've ever stated that I don't own a phone on this forum.


    Nobody noticed then, I guess.

  12. It's all over the news here. The even interviewed "Pokemon Experts", as in 30 year old men, on strategies and such.

    I WOULD be such an expert, but I have no phone!!!




    Crap, I'm finally gonna have to buy a phone so I can play this. I gotta catch 'em all, and be the best like no one ever was. 


    Also here's a decent review from a surprisingly balanced reviewer that by all rights should be a Nintendo shill:

    I like that he called his Muk, "Your Waifu".

  13. You know how Trump could win this thing right now? When he accepts the nomination this weekend during his speech say something to the effect of "I am seeking this office to solve a problem. That problem is (picks something popular like TPP, Keystone, etc) and I will solve that problem in on term. I will not seek a second term".


    What that does is it gives voters who hate them both an out. An opportunity to kick the can to 2020. We can endure any a-----e for four years. Hillary will be an eight year proposition.


    I think that message wins this thing if he's willing to do it.

    I think that'd be a great idea actually. 

  14. Val is 100% right. Hillary has to lose. If she wins you can just forget future elections. The right will have 0% chance at winning forever. Future elections are only meaningful if Trump wins. If he doesn't it's lights out for the right, and the US. 


    I'm not GD, but I'll answer anyway. What exactly is the problem? They don't approve of race mixing, so what? Is there more to this story I'm missing?



    They basically said " in the bible its clearly stated black people are inferior to white people "...and they refused to allow any black people to stay at there guest house 


    Again, who cares what they think? As for the guest house, do people have some kind of right to the guest house?

  16. Namutree whats your ideal system of government in 2016, lets so you can implement anything. What would you go for ?




    My ideal system of government is the same in 2016 as it is in any year.


    My ideal system of government varies based a geographical location so that's kinda hard to answer.


    My approach to issues like immigration and gun control would be very different in an Island nation than in a landlocked state, and how I'd structure the government would reflect that.


    I'd turn her down. I always though Khloe was the good looking one. But I liked her better before she lost the weight. 

    GD how would you address this type of racism? Watch the video




    I'm not GD, but I'll answer anyway. What exactly is the problem? They don't approve of race mixing, so what? Is there more to this story I'm missing?



    But anyhow, you ask for an inherit value of cultures, ethnicites etc? They are an essential part of the human condition in how we express ourselves directly, indirectly and how we find meaning. Taking a materialistic approach and try to add metrical values is missing the point entirely. They cannot be switched, repackaged or optimized into one super one fitting for all, they have to grow, expand and die naturally


    Yet you seem to be quite dismayed at the thought of a unified European culture growing, expanding and subsuming national identities. Why can't we just let national identity die in peace naturally?



    Let me illustrate in another way: If they are valueless, what are their use? What use do we have for love, friendship, beauty? Nothing at all

    That's beyond stupid. The health, productivity and general quality-of-life benefits of love, friendship and "beauty" are very tangible and measurable.



    Two reasons: 


    1) It's being replaced by something lower in principle, of which no one is willing defend to the death. It will not satisfy anyone and give rise to real marching right/left-wing parties and another war, which is what i want to avoid for the next generation.


    2) The power is centralised if national governments shift their power to Brussels, which will end with continental size warfare unlike anything seen before. Don't fool yourself just because we currently live in relatively peaceful times that it will continue forever if you give up on nations.


    Both are destructive in the design and i wish to move away from it for a better future. Nation states might erode, but power has to shift to locally with their own laws, hierarchies and armies. That kind of "death" we can all get behind; I would even call it rebirth.


    As for your quantification of love, friendship and beauty. Oh boy, i pity that mindset.


    It seems to me that you think their is some kind of spiritual benefit of a nation state.

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