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Ori Klein

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Everything posted by Ori Klein

  1. Most pity at that. But good to know.
  2. You can talk to the cat and collect it even if you decide to side with (or lie about so much), rather than slay, the enemy. In Raedrics hold, there's an enemy to fight in the dungeon. Once you clear their room, there's a black cat to talk to.
  3. In a recent interview you've conducted with Rock Paper Shotgun you've stated that what is important to you personally and to Obsidian as a whole is that when someone buys your game, irregardless of bugs and such, they don't feel ripped off. So, I would just like to strengthen you (because I know how much feedback is generated and how quick are gamers to scream for blood, whether justified or not and over the smallest to the biggest issues) and just say that despite whatever bumps, incomplete content or rough edges, Knights of the Old Republic II was a very satisfying and fun experience (and also taught me a lot about how to look at combat design from a RPG/statistic-driven point of view) and I don't feel ripped off in the least. So, thank you and everyone at Obsidian. Post Scriptum .whisper("Alpha Protocol 2, please");
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