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About AKstalker47

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  1. Obsidian is doing what it have to do to stay open without letting go of half the staff, sometimes you have to do things out of your comfort zone and people complaining around you makes things only harder think about that.
  2. People here dont like cute steel beasts with big guns? i know everyone here loves RPGs and thats they are there bread and butter when it comes to gaming (i love them too) but come on lots of gamers love tanks and this one is diffrent in that its dealing with ultra modern tanks not WW2 and korean / cold war era tanks.
  3. I Personally wish Obsidian the best of luck and it would be interesting to see there take on how this game will work will it be pure arcade like WOT (which i hate) or will it have a sense of accuracy and rialism like Warthunder up coming ground forces, Obsidian could use a cash flow from this game.
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