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Everything posted by urikkiru

  1. Hopefully these spoiler tags work, here we go!
  2. So, picked up the pc edition of this a few days back, and have been playing it. It's an interesting game. I really want to love it, I really do. However, it feels... well blatantly unfinished. I mean, the plot is interesting, however it has plot holes you could drive a truck through. Also, throughout the game, there are a few scenes where it seems there are missing bits of dialogue, or scenes that should be there to fill in large blanks/gaps in the story. Most of this however, does not truly stop you from playing until you reach the end of the game. Without going into details, basically, the end play of the game is.. confusing at best. There are scenes/dialogue that suddenly take place, with no lead in whatsover. You suddenly find your self in a place, with zero explanation of why/how you got there, or precisely what is going on. Are these bugs? Are these scenes missing from release due to a change in the release date of the game? Honestly, it feels like I'm playing a early beta of the game. Countless places where it seems there is placeholder dialogue, or descriptions. Also fun is some of the scripting problem where dialogue is skipped entirely, or you end up seeing two cutscenes overlayed on top of one another. These are due to gaps in the continuity(logical progression), whereby you have done certain events out of order by choice, and the game can't deal with it. Anyway, this *could* have been a really great game. Solid plotline, great voice acting. The rest leaves something to be desired. As it is, as soon as I was 10 minutes into the 'end' portion of the game, I knew things were seriously wrong, and have decided to just stop playing. I'll honestly be returning this game and swapping it for something else. This reflects badly on Obsidian, as this is the first(and only) title I have purchased from them.
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