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Everything posted by Gomer1800

  1. Thanks for the follow up, here's my PFID : PFID-6240556DDE0E5686
  2. Acro, I had to delete my party then reform it, using the same chars, to move on. You won't lose your experienced chars, they're saved onto your account but you'll lose some of your difficulty progress if that's something you're into
  3. Iphone 6s User (have not updated to latest IOS) Story Mode, Skinsaw Murders Game Center Login was successful at bootup Was playing as Lem and during the first phase (with the purple hand), i played improved mending. I was prompted the discard pile reel and I chose an item to draw into my hand. Once i did that, the selected card popped out of my hand and became locked in place in the space between the discard reel and the cards in my hand. I can't select anything, the menus wont open (the sounds for them trigger as if they had opened), the red X wont undo the action, nothing works except that I can enlarge the lone card in the discard reel. This is honestly the worst bug I've encountered so far. How do I proceed with resuming my campaign? do I reinstall the game on my iphone? will that forfeit my game and allow me to start over? I've tried restarting the game and when it reloads my save, Im back in that moment after I had cast improved mending, the eligible card is highlighted and I can't undo the spell. Screenshot http://imgur.com/gWlLI2k reddit post https://www.reddit.com/r/Pathfinder_ACG/comments/56g5gt/digital_improved_mending_bug_frustrated_looking/ EDIT 1: Reinstalling the game does not work as the save file reverts back to the same moment. FINAL UPDATE: Ok, so i deleted my campaign cause I was tired of waiting for help. My experienced chars were preserved, but my legendary progress was not. Anyhow, I triggered the bug again but this time I was able to work around it. I used improved mending again with Lem, but this time I had 2 items in my discard pile (remember mend only affects items, weapons, armor). The bug triggered after I selected my item and dragged it to my hand, however, the second item in my discard pile was highlighted so I was able to select it and progress past the bug. The first item went back to my discard pile and the second item remained in my hand. I hope theres a dev reading this. I almost quit the game entirely after the frustration of getting stuck, looking for answers, and taking the risk of losing my progress by deleting my campaign.
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