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Posts posted by like00111

  1. Finally was able to beat him after quite a few trys... I leveled to 4, laid down traps I had gotten from the dungeon, took out the mage first, then used aloth and used the fire cone spell and took out the priest and ranger (lucky I think, did a 80 and 70 hit), from there I took out the champions one on one. I did fairly well I think, only lost my barbian. 

    Also useful was the spirit I summoned with my main chanter.

  2. Trying to go through black meadow, but can't seem to find which area I have to go through to get there. I have tried magran's fork, and also eastern woods. 

    Just which area I have to go to, to find my way would be helpful, nothing more than that please.

    EDIT: Solved it, just wasnt looking in the right place in magrans fork. hahah

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