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About Ginny

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    (1) Prestidigitator
    (1) Prestidigitator
  1. My hand eye coordination is the stuff of legends. It is a wonder that I have a driver's license. No really: the driver's test was a terror for me. I also made the papers in my town when I sneezed violently while driving and desimated a monstrous RV that was parked in front of the post office. I was dubbed Guttergirl when I went bowling with friends and apparently I broke some kind of record for not hitting a single pin in an entire game. Their big jokey was that my mind was always in the gutter: haha =P My Indian nickname at summer camp was 'Scratches-with-Style' due to a series of unfortunate pool games in which the white ball ended up sailing off the table, bouncing off a wall, and landing in a rather forlorn potted plant. After the third time this prompted a discussion as to whether that would have been grounds for being burned as a witch during the Salem trials. So how on earth am I supposed to win Swoop races? If the idea is to hit as many of the floaty round things as possible, then show me the money. So I have a few quick questions: 1. Is there any way for a frightfully poor racer to win the day legitimately? 2. Do the latest patches affect swoop racing? (I am hoping they make them impossible to win so that I do not feel like such a loser). I used the update button to get the latest. 3. Is there any way to 'creatively' complete the Swoop circuits without enabling cheats? 4. Finally, what am I losing out on by not doing the Swoops? (experience? or just credits?) Thank you!
  2. On Telos, outside the cantina, a poor Sullustan was being hassled by some mercenaries. Being the perky and sweet Exile that I am, I rushed to his assistance. Just as the combat began, and I clicked on my first force power, the game broke off into a movie of Nihilous and Visas (the one where Visas gets choked). Is that normal? or is my save bugged? After the movie finished, I was still paused just after the first power activated. I finished the combat and went on my merry way. Has this happened to anyone else? And speaking of that movie. Nihilous sure has a creepy voice. I think it would have worked better if he sounded like adults on the Peanuts (Snoopy/Charlie Brown) specials: Visas: 'Come on, I will hold it this time.' Nihilous: Waw Wahh, Wahh Waaaaw, Wahhh, Waaa.' Visas: 'Really, I won't pull it away.' Nihilous runs to try and kick the football and Visas wisks it away at the last second causing him to sprawl out on the ground...
  3. Thank you for the reply, Cactus. I am not going to worry about it then. The good news is that other than the clicks when I start the game, there is a lot of time between movies
  4. Thank you so much for the replies. Truly, it is rather disheartening to hear that there is little to no romance in TSL. Shame! I am easy to please too! So Obsidian and the LA Sith would not have had to put much work into it. For example, Carth was a lovely romance to me and there was not a huge amount of dialog attached to that storyline. Really though, Carth is more of a man of actions. If I were Revan, I would be barefoot and pregnant with his 11th child by now... Swoon. Disciple, however, is completely unappealing to me. Forgive me if some of you all see him as a romantic hero. To me, and please do not get upset, Disciple was more like Gilderoy Lockhart from Harry Potter than Fitzwilliam Darcy from Pride and Prejudice. Mr. Darcy! Now there is a man for you. Anyway, thank you again for the responses!
  5. Summary: Can someone tell me how to get the movies to run at a refresh rate of 85? THE GOOD Fun game, lub it. THE BAD All of my applications and desktop in Windows XP run at a refresh rate of 100. But Kotor2 only allows 85. So I painstakingly changed all of my programs and desktop to a horrid refresh rate of 85 so I can run the program. THE UGLY Now that I have made the change to 85 away from my beloved 100, the program still 'clicks in and out of different refresh rates for movies! HELP! I am told by a nerdy friend that this constant clicking is VERY bad for my monitor. Every time I start the program it clicks for the LA advertisements at the beginning, and clicks back to 85, then clicks for every movie in the game. It is a dreadful clickfest! What I tried that didn't work: I set [Display Options] to match what is in my [Graphics Options] section of swkotor2.ini [Display Options] Width=1024 Height=768 RefreshRate=85 HELP! Please, this is driving me batty. Thank you
  6. I decided to dust off my TSL game and play through for a second time--it has been ages since I finished. I realize that the developers were forced to rush and so a great deal of the romance material was cut. Still, I would like to know which NPC has the most elaborate dialog options and most developed romance before I play through again. Usually, I play female characters because I am female and have never wanted to play a sweaty male; but if that is what is necessary to get my romantic story fix, then so be it. My first play through was female Lightside and I tried everything to catch Atton's eye (and I do mean everything--it was humiliating and I am told that as a result I cannot run for office). Nothing worked. Influence, throwing myself at him, endless games of pazaak, asking him back to my quarters for 'coffee,' walking into the engineroom wearing a washcloth: ooopsy, I thought this was the shower. Nothing. A friend told me that Visas tells you she loves you, but says little more than, 'my life for yours' for 90% of the game. Let me know if anyone has any advice on which is the most elaborate (by TSL standards) dialog and romance. Thank you! How about Handmaiden? Bao isn't developed I do not think. Anyway...
  7. Thank you for the help, adrich81! I am told I have an ATI 9800 PRO. And I went into setting and specified 100 Hz as refresh rate override. I also changed the dxdiag one to 100 Hz, though it seems that it was already set for that (maybe the ATI program did it when I selected override?) My question is this: how do I avoid blowing everything up if I load a program that happens to be in 1280x1024 which has a maximum refresh rate on my computer of 75 Hz. Does this override mean it would try to display that resolution at 100 Hz and cause damage? Thank you!
  8. My desktop is set at 100 Hz screen refresh rate. The highest I can set the game is 85 Hz. Also, the movies are being shown at another refresh rate from what you set your game: 60 Hz, I think? 1. Can I set Kotor 2 to 100 Hz in game? 2. Can I set the movies to 100 Hz? I am thinking that worst case, I could set the game at 85 Hz, my desktop at 85 Hz, and then someone could tell me how to set the movies at 85 Hz and then I could have some peace As it stands, I get the change refresh click and blackout every time I start the game (several clicks here, for some odd reason), a movie is shown during play, or even if I Alt-Tab out of the game. Click...Click, blackout, click, blackout, click ... aiiiiieeeee
  9. Thank you for the reply, Tmp. I did not explain myself well enough. I was getting frustrated with force powers not landing. The bad guys saved very often even with my high Wis. I was asking what level Wis/Cha is high enough to avoid the enemy saving often As an example, I just stopped using Force Kill, because the enemy saved so often that it was a waste. I would cast it many times in succession and it would not stick. I played light side, so maybe that had something to do with it. Though, I thought it would only make the power more expensive and not less effective.
  10. I am still trying to decide how to play through because of just this issue. My first time through, force powers would rarely stick on anything except the weakest opponents. I found this very frustrating and a little confusing because of my higher wis. For a lightside character, what level of WIS/CHA is required to make your offensive force powers work often (DS lightning, etc.)?
  11. Thank you all for the great--and entertaining--replies! 1. I am still looking for the most comprehensive walkthrough possible. So if anyone knows of a really extra complete one, then please give me a link 2. The mention of the game being rushed and incomplete by Lucas Arts makes me sad. My question is: has anyone pieced together the story from these extra parts? I do not mean modders, I am just wondering if the whole story has been solidified based on the unused portions that people have found on the CD (as mentioned a post above)? And if so, where can I read about it? :cool: 3. What would be a story oriented class/prestige mix? My last game I played a Sentinel/Watchman. Maybe I should stick with something close to this to have lots of skills that seem to be used in the story? Any suggestions? 4. This may have been answered above somewhat, but I want to be sure: which NPCs are the most bang for the buck storywise? Example: Visas, while interesting, did not have any new dialog and I played with her a lot. I checked her options over and over and was unhappy that they never altered. I want NPCs that have changing dialog as the story evolves. Which are the best NPCs in this respect? Thank you again!
  12. Thank you for the great replies, you all! The Great Phantom: I would love some links to complete walkthroughs, if possible; especially, if they show dialog options. This way when I complete a planet/area, I can see if I missed anything story wise. Master Dahvernas: I will start with 16 Intelligence this time and put points into Presuade and Awareness first. As you suggest, I will avoid the droids as well. Though, not using HK-47 is a crime! He was absolutely hysterical in Kotor 1, even as a staunch, card carrying, lightsider. What are the other skills/attributes that are important to the story? AlanC9: It is good to know there is a cut ending for Atton. But as you mentioned, I will make sure I have Atton on Nar Shaddaa and Bao-Dur out on the planet as well. ShadowPaladin V1.0: Maybe other character/alignment combinations do have dialog as you influence them. I just know it did not seem to make any difference in my game. Though, I did notice that some of them started neutral and then went lighter. Honestly though, I do not think it made a whit of difference for characters like Kreia (for obvious reasons) and HK or Mandalore. LadyCrimson: I know! Atton was a flibbertigibbet at the beginning and then not a peep the rest of the game!!! He even noticed my rather unflattering jammy/undies. Once you hit the hawk, it is rare to get a comment out of him. And oh my goodness, someone write up all of the dialog so we can see what we missed! That does sound like a huge project, but maybe some of the computer whizzes here can extract the dialog from the game or something. Witchzenka: Noooooo, I had planned on trying the old
  13. I finished the game today as a light side female sentinel watchman. I enjoyed the game. My Revan was a female lightsider as well which alters the story of the Exile, I think. ENDING The ending was confusing and I felt that it detracted a bit from the ending in the first game because it turns out the my Revan has not been seen in years and is apparently out trying to face a threat from, according to Kreia, the 'real Sith.' Whoever they may be. I love happy endings and for me, Kotor 1 was a happy ending. I thought that perhaps Revan would go on more adventures but would settle down with Carth and the business of strengthening the Republic (and having Carth's babies). The second game settles all of this in a most discouraging fashion. And although I recognize that happy endings are not always possible, I feel some loss at coming so far with Revan and now the Exile to have such an indeterminate conclusion. One comment: I think the ending would have been far more palatable if I could have simply gone back and talked to my friends about everything that had happened (through dialog). ROMANCE Also, I had hoped to have a relationship of some kind with Atton and tried everything possible even to making a spectacle of myself (flirting, batting my eyelashes, accidentally rubbing up against him with my bosoms while passing in the halls in the Ebon Hawk, falling onto him when we came out of hyperspace due to faulty stabilizers no doubt); but nothing, no dialog options or anything I tried worked. The silly game seemed only interested in pairing me up with Mr. Pearly White Caps himself, Disciple. And then it was only hinting at it. There was never any real romantic dialog. NOTE: I do not know-- there may be romance with Atton but I was unable to bring it about in my game. And I tried, oh I tried... My greatest moment of shame was intentionally getting close to a vacuum intake valve in the Hawk engine room which ripped my shirt off revealing my womanhood to Atton. I do not think he even noticed... I guess counting pazaak cards in his head kept his mind off of me and my failed attempts at catching his eye UNSATISFYING CONCLUSION? It just seems to me that so many things were in place for a very satisfying ending and it just kind of fizzled. It is a great game and fun but I felt that the incredible characters and story foundations were not developed to their potential. Without a doubt, it is still good story with good characters. I just wanted the Exile and Revan to have a happy ending. This is probably just the hopes of a girl who feels they had seen so much suffering and done so much good that they had earned a happy ending and not one fraught with such uncertainty and doubt. But such is life... CHARACTER DIALOG And I kept going back to the characters to get new dialog options, but past a certain point, nothing changed in that respect. Now this is probably because I did not get much influence with anyone (except losing some with Kreia, but if you do not pull wings off butterflies for her, you are going to lose influence). In the first game, I was able to systematically get every dialog option and character side quest--for light side, dark is just gross I loved that part of Kotor 1 and always wanted to get as much story and background from each character as possible. In this game, I couldn't--but this may be my silly mistakes. Also, I did not feel like I had too much influence over my characters alignment because nothing changed dialog wise. Do you have to just pick 2 characters and go the whole way through with them to get all of their options (if there are more)? Also, if anyone is so inclined could you tell me what other story options are available in the game? Or link them if you have a thread or something. I know this is rambling and long, but I just finished and am awash in bittersweet emotion.
  14. I went to Dxun and during the assault on the Mandalorian camp I decided to avail myself of the fact that you can keep fighting as long as you like until you are ready to get on the shuttle. I read that your level does not much matter because everything scales up with you and so I thought, fun! I will get a few levels to add a couple of feats to play with to my character. BUT OH MY GOSH! It takes a year and a day of seriously painful fighting to get a single level here. None of my force powers stick on these Assassin guys (well, they do, but it takes literally 5 or 6 casts for a stun power to stick and you can forget Kill working, it just doesn't land--for me, at least). Is there a better way to do this if you want to have a higher Jedi than typical by end game?
  15. Thank you Do you think Dual Sabers or Single Saber? And any other nice feats for a Consular?
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