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Everything posted by upandgo

  1. 1) Diablo 2 ,the best game of all the time! 2)very difficult.... BG 1 maybe ?... 3) NWN HOU 4)Morrowind 5) HL 1 6) deus ex, 7)BG2 kotor 2 9) kotor 1 10)doom, after civilisation,iwd1 & 2,divine divinity, warcraft 3... console 1)street fighter 2(snes) and tekken (ps 1) double dragon (atari game...!!)
  2. is it right that obsidian or other develop kotor 3?
  3. IS it right that obsidian or other develop kotor 3?
  4. i have succeeded! (w00t) i have taken the automaticaly save when i fight versus the 3 HKs the only difference with the old saves is I embark on ebon hawk with my playmates. good play everybody
  5. the same problem !!
  6. hello i am french, i am sorry if i speak very bad english i have a huge bug!! when i left academie of telos, i get on ebon hawk after atris say a echani has embarked to ebon hawk there is a loading and black screen thank you for reply
  7. je trouve un francais enfin qqun qui parle la langue de moli
  8. I am a french player when do you make the patch please ?
  9. when do you change the colour ?...
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