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About mrdefender

  • Rank
    (1) Prestidigitator
    (1) Prestidigitator

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  • Location
    Ottawa, Ontario (Canada)
  • Interests
    Star Wars<br />Star Gate<br />Star Trek<br />Computers
  1. Ok, this is very frustrating. For some odd reason no force power mod works. I've tried making them myself, downloading some but none of them work. It's in the right folder, in all accounts it should work but it doesn't! Is there something wrong with kotor 2? Cause, apparently from other modders, in all accounts the mod should work... PLEASE HELP!!
  2. It's happend 5 times now, I don't know how or why but for some, out of the blue, reason, I get trapped in the party screen. I can't select any party members and I can't 'cancel' or 'ok' it either... 4th and 5th time was in the middle of combat (giving me a 'cant change during combat' message') and the first thru 3rd time gave me a "can't change party members now" message... Has anyone else ran into this problem? So far the only way to get past this is to alt-f4 the game or some other method to quit the game outside of the game's menus (like alt-tab, or the start menu button, or ctrl-alt-delete...)
  3. You know, a 'no' would've been easier
  4. Is it possible to get those last 4 movies? I've tried alot of stuff but I can't seem to get them In there... I already know (i think) what they are, in the movies folder there are 65 movies, 4 of them being startup movies (lucas arts, obsidian entertainement, legal stuff, and an extra "mines" movie... for some reason... <_< )
  5. Tried that too, didnt do anything
  6. I've looked at my \movies\ folder (after completing the game 10 times) and I can't figgure out how I'm supposed to unlock the khoonda mines movie... I picked up the friendly mines around khoonda and placed them on the bridge thing and the movie still didn't show up <_< Does anyone know how to unlock this movie? <_<
  7. Has this ever happend to anyone? <_< (w00t)
  8. you're close to the end of the game
  9. jedi <blah> gain 'lightside enlightenment' (basically most light side force powers in one, which makes preperations for combat alot faster ) sith <blah> the oh so famous "force crush" (as seen in the trailer)
  10. I ran into one of those bugs that doesn't display the top part of the "letter box" in conversations and i got to see who killed sullio! Thing is did that person really kill her, did anyone catch who did kill sulio in later conversations? :ph34r:
  11. Nah T3 goes into the room thats right outside of vogga's room.. the one im talking about, which the others explained (thanks btw ) is right in the same room that vogga is in. I think, before you do the stealth thing, you can only either bash or mine the door... but the kath hounds don't let you get close enough to do it... I shall try the stealth thing and see how far that gets me :D
  12. Vogga the Hutt, there's a door there you can open but if you go near it his 2 kath hounds start barking (or whatever).. there's an urn near the area but I don't know what I'm supposed to do with it .. all I ever get is '[leave it alone]' <_<
  13. Anyone thought of looking here?
  14. Darn. Gotta wait till then to get this power
  15. I mean the real force crush power, not this lame "crush opposition" thing <_< I wanna see bodies turned inside out!!!! :'(
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