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Everything posted by DarthRevan2102

  1. i didnt know what forum to post this in... so i just posted it here... haha.... but i just bought the pc version of knights... and does anyone know if my xbox controller would work good with the game if i were to by a controller converter thingy? cuz i hate usin the keyboard/mouse n sh*t
  2. can i even save stuff from my game onto my memory card?
  3. how can i transfer my saved games from the hard drive to my memory card and put them on my new xbox??
  4. what security level do you need to be to open the box with the ultima pearl or whatever its called in the Onderon Palace?
  5. i agree.... but its a plus
  6. how do you get pictures in your signiatures? haha
  7. yea... Revan's robes are cooler
  8. i see where your coming from.... but I think we all need a closure on Revan and Exile's stories...
  9. i think you should... leaving Revans story untold would be a waste of a chance to make a great game... alot of us that played as Revan before liked him alot more than the exile. KOTOR is Revan. If it werent for him the game would have been dull. To leave the rest untold would be stupid... (no disrespect cewekeds) ANYWAYS .... people said being Revan would be a problem, because of leveling up so I thought a good story line would be like... :Revan found the true sith, but only to be overwhelmed by their Power, he is forced to become their slave and must let go of the force. Years later he finds his mask/robes on their ship; remembering what he once was, giving him the will to fight back to prove once again, no one is a match for the Sith Lord. it could be touched up but overall... just an idea... tell me what you think
  10. ive said this before in someone else's topic but i dont know if anyone saw it so i'll say it again (MAY HAVE A SPOILER OR 2 IN IT, IM NOT SURE, READ AT OWN RISK i think they should make a double disc game. One disk telling what happened with Revan and the other for the Exile; and maybe upon completing both discs, combine the two characters to have some sort of final showdown between the two apprentice's of kreia. Also more emphasis on lightsaber duels. Have maaanny more combinations of attacks and blocks to make each duel more and more original. Instead of having to hit the enemy numerous times to kill him/her, have the lightsaber fight ware them down and then deliver the death blow to their body. Also have a thing from Episode II between Doku and Yoda. Where Doku shot the lightning at Yoda and he caught it and sent it back. Have only the Consulars be able to do this, if they are strong enough, then maybe they wouldn't be so useless in combat but mmmuussst musssstt must finish Revans story. Like other people have said.. KOTOR is Revan's story anyone else have any other ideas
  11. i think they should make a double disc game. One disk telling what happened with Revan and the other for the Exile; and maybe upon completing both discs, combine the two characters to have some sort of final showdown between the two apprentice's of kreia. Also more emphasis on lightsaber duels. Have maaanny more combinations of attacks and blocks to make each duel more and more original. Instead of having to hit the enemy numerous times to kill him/her, have the lightsaber fight ware them down and then deliver the death blow to their body. Also have a thing from Episode II between Doku and Yoda. Where Doku shot the lightning at Yoda and he caught it and sent it back. Have only the Consulars be able to do this, if they are strong enough, then maybe they wouldn't be so useless in combat but mmmuussst musssstt must finish Revans story. Like other people have said.. KOTOR is Revan's story.
  12. I choose Revan
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