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About Vyndicu

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    (1) Prestidigitator
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  1. I think they did that on purpose for mimic the post-apocalyptic atmosphere. I'm not sure, I don't know enough about Bulgaria to say they have access to electricity. Wasn't Bulgaria the setting for Jagged Alliance 2? I wouldn't know about jagged alliance 2. However I am pretty 99% sure they do have access to electrics just look at those monitors!
  2. I think they did that on purpose for mimic the post-apocalyptic atmosphere.
  3. At first I was confused when I read this. Initially I thought you had a typo for apart instead of apes. But after some time thinking on it. Now I get it. Might want to change "apes from XCOM" to something like "long lost relative of XCOM". Anyway back to topic on hand. I am indeed interested in see how this one come along.
  4. I can play most video games. However there are a few that stand out for me personally. Anything that make music an essential part of the gameplay and not without reasons. I am profoundly deaf and can't really enjoy or keep up with the music gameplay. There was a certain gameboy Zelda puzzle that I couldn't solve for this same reason. Anything remotely related with shooter genre. After bazillion different versions I grew tired of not really see much innovation within that genre. Anything that is focus on multiplayer to exclusive of everything else with a few MMO exception to this rule. Dating Simulation, I personally prefer a real live conversation over scripted game. I try to avoid games that are "not likely to receive updates" because I am a little obsessive about glitch/bug not getting fixed. That said there are a few certain games that blur the line such as moba that I do play.
  5. I have a 50% off on Tyranny on Paradox Store. Feel free to pm me for the coupon.
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