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Posts posted by navlasop

  1. Vithrack was fine for me as well, tough it was pre 1.03.

    Same with Danna, both pre and post 1.03.


    What i have noticed (only once or twice tough) is that if you save or quicksave just after a scripted talk between you and someone that goes hostile, it might break any further scripting of the scene.

    That is, if you have autopause on seeing hostiles, and after the talk, you quicksave, and quickload it, you might miss out on some scripted events after that and break it.

    • Like 2
  2. Did they not add an AA slider now in the 1.03 patch?




    Running the same GFX series as you and its silky smooth here. Tough I got 16BG of Ram and an i7 3770k. CPU wise i got maybe 10% on synth tests compared to your Xenon, and RAM wise you should be good anyway. I also did a clean install of Win7 a month back, as i hate OS / software bloat that will always happens over time, heh.

    You only running 1 SSD, no HDD for storage? I am assuming that the game is installed to the SSD of course...

  3. If I could choose between having a romance option in a game and not having it, I would go with a romance option in general.


    That said, I never actually felt the *need* for a romance in this game, and I do think it would have detracted from the plot / story as it is written.

    To me it was more like "hmm...oh..no romance..ah well" after 20+ hours in game before i sorta noticed :p

    I would much rather prefer a polished story and plot, then a mediocre romance addition.


    A *good* romance addition tough, is a different story, but as the plot\story is in this game I feel it is not required at all.


    Now if they could somehow get good romance in the expanion or sequel, that really fit in, that would of course be awsomesauce :D

    • Like 1
  4. Meh. I hate to whine, but a hotfix, just fixing the most critical bugs would have been preferred.

    Most critical meaning double click equip, stat bug, and raedrics hold crash IMO.

    Anything else can come later.


    Usually when only fixing one or two bugs, the QA and testing part is done very fast, since they know exactly what code was changed and what it could effect.

    Disclaimer: Not been coding for the last 10 years, so my knowledge might be outdated, heh.


    Edit: Just saw the tenative patch notes, and okay, okay, its fine i can wait for that big patch list :p

    • Like 1
  5. Yeah...been having this issue myself for a couple of days now. I tend to save a lot, so very noticable. Probably takes 2-3 minutes at the start screen looking at "loading save games" before i can actually load any save games, heh.

    Actually loading any save game is fast after that, its just that it seems to want to cache\read all the savegames you have for some reason.

    Yes i could delete some saves, but gah.


    Holding a choke point and mobbing them also works. They have surprisingly low Concentration so if you've got two or more characters wailing on them they'll get stunlocked by interrupts.

    Find a chokepoint, put a Burning Seal right at it. Then a Noxious Burst trap behind the seal. Then pull with a Rolling Flames.




    That sounds like a really good tactic.

    I am on normal mode so i just cast when combat starts, but you posting this made a lightbulb appear above my head on how to make some fights easier :)

    • Like 1

    There are no longer any games that ship bug free. There are degrees of bugginess :p



    There used to games that came bug free, in the old old days, since le internet wasnt really a big thing, and very few had access, so having to patch a game to make it playable would have made it tank.


    Those games called bug free were not bug free. Even the first Super Mario Bros had bugs, some discovered decades after release.



    Ah well, lets just say that they seemed to be bug free then ;)

  8. There are no longer any games that ship bug free. There are degrees of bugginess :p


    As someone mentioned earlier...Rome 2. Gah. That game single handely made me stop preordering games. I stil back games i like on kickstarter, but preordering "regular" games. No. I just cant trust the developers in general anymore after that fiasco.


    There used to games that came bug free, in the old old days, since le internet wasnt really a big thing, and very few had access, so having to patch a game to make it playable would have made it tank.


    As for the bugs in Pillars, i find them to be reasonably mild and quite acceptable. Except for the clothing bug. That one looked a bit painful if you got it.

  9. Second character i am running have this problem, but not entering the first time, but second time after ive finished the quest and looted almost everything. I exited from the left entrance, and trying to enter through the main entrance.


    As for the file corruption, it might just be a 7zip issue as i know it has problems with certain .rar files, where it claims files are corrupt, but using winrar there is no issues. Not sure what kind of compression algorithm they actually use on those .bin files, but since the files install fine using the installer, it is most likey not a corruption issue.

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