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Everything posted by CaideSK

  1. Non Disclosure Agreement. They can't say **** publicly about this until the NDA runs out. Would Microsoft ever agree on such transfer of games? I seriously doubt that. Yup, unfortunately the side effect of this happens to be that they get to eat **** till someone talks about it "anonymously". Read your contracts before you sign them people, maybe question the clause that says we as a publisher reserve the right to pull your game off of the marketplace at our whim. Its called cover your butt 101. You might also want to include a clause of your own, where a publisher sabotaging your release, your brand, your reputation gives you access to certain actions, recompense, etc.... Pretty basic stuff really.
  2. I have zero problem with competition. I'd actually think the market would be great with more competition, but I'm not naive enough to think this is it. This isn't competition, this is a company with deep pockets bullying its way into the marketplace in a massively anti-consumer fashion. Their client, simply put, isn't ready to be a major marketplace. Its broken, gets breached at what feels like a regular fashion.... but it doesn't matter to Epic, nor their CEO. He's goes on stage and says that customer opinions do not matter, a working product (thier store) does not matter... the only thing that matters is them being able to snag exclusive publishing deals that will force the customer base to their store. That is not working in my best interest as a customer. Full stop. So what? I'm suddenly supposed to be cool with it, trust them that they have my best interests at heart? Yeah, no. Like I said, I'm not naive enough to believe that. You want to compete? Make a product that is worth my money, worth my time, worth my download, instead of leveraging a game I want to play in order to force me to use it. The market is crowded, which means you need to make something that stands out, buying exclusives to float your vanity project is getting exactly the backlash it deserves. Like I said before, this is literally bringing the worst parts of the console market to the PC. This kind of timed exclusivity only exists because one publisher gave another publisher a big enough bag of money for them to be cool with it. I doubt Obsidian will see much, if any, of the money Take2 made off of this deal.
  3. Well, add me to the list of not buying this game. I have nothing against Obsidian, and I'm not frothing at the mouth or raging.... but I've got to look out for myself as a customer too. Being forced to use a inferior client, with questionable connections and a history of security breaches and super shady behavior is not benefiting me. It is literally bringing the worse parts of the console wars to the PC marketplace for no reason, well... aside from corporate greed. So, my money goes to something else for now. As for the devs, they should say something. Top of my head, what would probably get the community off of their backs would be an admission, hey... publisher sprung this on us and we hate it too. Second, if they really wanted to come out as the good guys, state that all sales of the game from the MS store can be transfered to steam at the end of the 12 month waiting period.... But those are just the thoughts of one former customer.
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