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Everything posted by Pwalkerbright

  1. [spoilers, sort of] It's funny, I didn't think that any of the "boss" battles that the main character fights were that difficult, once you got the trick. Kreia was fairly easy once I realized that I could break combat by hiding behind a column, allowing me time to heal, power up the verpine prototype shield, activate force powers, etc. Then, out from behind the column to finish off Kreia. The lighsabers were no problem thanks to a glitch in the AI pathfinding that caused them to get stuck around corners, leaving them fairly easy to take out one by one. For me, the hardest fight was the three Dark Jedi Masters in Freedon Nadd's tomb. I lost to them several times with Visas/Mandalore/Bao-Dur. Finally, I was able to use adhesive grenades to stick them in place and grenade them to death -- Mandalore was the only one standing at the end. A close second was the six mercs outside of the Crystal/Kinrath Cave on Dantooine (I know, you can avoid fighting them by lying and pretending to help them, but I had the handmaiden with me and when I took that course I lost influence with her. I was trying to keep as much influence with the NPCs as possible.) A great game . . . Shame about the ending, though.
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