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About dreadguacamole

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    (1) Prestidigitator
    (1) Prestidigitator


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  1. OK, I can confirm the new patch fixed the issue. I've still got some weird issues (like, for example Tekehu standing on the water shaper's guild *after* I've recruited him - if I add him to the active party and take him to the temple, he disappears from the roster and I lose him permanently!). But I can work with this. Thanks so much for getting this sorted, I can finally get back into the game. Now I just need to remember what the hell I was up to...
  2. Just tried the game again with the 2.0 patch.... and unfortunately the issue is still the same, nothing's changed.
  3. Hello Any news regarding this please? I've stopped playing until it's fixed. Is the way we've sent the savefiles correct, or is there an "official" way? Thanks
  4. Hello Sure you know about this, but It looks like there's a separate thread for the same issue: https://forums.obsidian.net/topic/101706-bug-replaying-maps-cant-change-party-members-from-the-rooster/ Can't remember if I explored the Old City, but I do know I ran into some places I'd cleared showing as unexplored. I also had some conversations reset as if they had never happened, and, for example, the imp bounty NPC target reappeared even though I had previously killed him.
  5. Hi. I've shared a savefile at https://www45.zippyshare.com/v/EaM1MaFJ/file.html (Sorry for the late reply, didn't see your post until now - I was hoping the new patch would solve this... but it didn't)
  6. One more thing - besides being unable to add them to my active party, I also can't find them on the ship when I enter it during travels - the characters I can add to the party are there, standing around, but the other ones can't be found anywhere. They also don't pop up on ship to ship combat... help!
  7. Hi I have the same issue - I can't take any already recruited, lower-level characters into my party. I can select them on party management as usual, but when I click on accept any lower-level characters (companions or sidekicks) don't appear on my party. Same levelled-characters join up or stay on as usual. Help? This means I can't advance character quests for the guys I don't normally take with me...
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