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About Miccs

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  1. Thanks a lot, it worked perfectly.
  2. I have two movement speed related issues: 1. PC moves double speed outside of combat, both when sneaking or not - not too bad but weird. Maybe he moves too fast in combat. 2. Durance moves half-speed when sneaking - this one is *really* annoying. They have no movement related items equipped and no movement related debuffs. It might have been triggered by moving portraits around during one battle (assassins in First Fires in Act 3) (after I dismissed and hired new companions, so order was not "correct"). When I was moving them, they could have had some debuffs like hobbled but I don't remember such details. I suspect the hobbled debuff was applied to Durance but "removed" from PC making him super-fast.
  3. Sapper's Tome, Roska bounty. Lv 1: Parasitic Staff, Slicken, Eldritch Aim Lv 2: Mirrored Image, Binding Web, Curse of Blacked Sight, Combusting Wounds Lv 3: Bounding Missiles, Displaced Image Lv 4: Dimensional Shift, Minor Grimoire Imprint, Wall of Flame Lv 5: Torrent of flame, Malignant Cloud, Call to Slumber Gilt Grimoire, Thorfen bounty. Lv 1: Fan of Flames, Eldritch Aim, Sunless Grasp, Jolting Touch Lv 2: Bewildering Spectacle, Combusting Wounds, Infuse with Vital Essense, Merciless Gaze Lv 3: Fireball, Bounding Missiles, Minor Blights Lv 4: Confusion, Ironskin, Flame Shield Lv 5: Torrent of Flame, Wall of Force, Bitter Mooring The Leaves of Essense, Od Nua level 12. Lv 1: Parasitic Staff, Eldritch Aim, Ghost Blades, Spirit Shield Lv 2: Corrosive Siphon, Fetid Caress, Infuse with Vital Essense, Necrotic Lance Lv 3: Draining Touch, Deleterious Alacrity of Motion, Noxious Burst, Repulsive Visage Lv 4: Essential Phantom, Minor Grimoire Imprint Lv 5: Spirit Lance, Malignant Cloud Lv 6: Martial Power, Death Ring
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