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Everything posted by CharlieBrown

  1. Yes, but I think quests are always more fun than reading text. I could always go read a book if I wanted that. And I'm not saying I want to meet Carth and his son ever again, but it was a fun surprise the first time. This one I just don't get, there was no influence in KOTOR that I recall. True, but how does that excuse it? Plus, I never needed the blurbs in KOTOR to find out the names of key characters nor understand what was going on in the story. I would hope he/she is capable. But then why wasn't it noticed the first time? I mean all I'm asking for is give me one second of time in Atris's presence where I'm not stuck in combat or dialogue to use force sight to see for myself. Is that too much to ask? Of course she could have. My problem is that the developers thought this was yet another interesting exchange best left to the imagination of the player. Um, no. You explain it to him, which is my issue. That you know everything before he even says it. It may be just a small timing issue for some, when exactly in a conversation certain options become available. But it's a big issue for me. C'est la vie.
  2. Thanks for the support Laozi, and for protecting my free speech rights. To everyone else I sincerely apologize if I offended anyone involved in the production of the game or any of its emotionally attached fans like me. My intent was only to poke a little fun at the shortcomings of what is generally a very good game in the hope those flaws do not appear in any sequels. I wish Obsidian continues development and that KOTORIII is a huge success for them, I'm certainly not hoping anyone gets hit by a car or anything like that.
  3. I'm an old time BioWare fan and I've always loved their innovative cinematic technique of showing you scenes outside of your PC's knowledge. But this is the first game I ever played where your PC apparently became clairvoyant of those scenes. Maybe it's a force power they didn't tell us about?
  4. Here are just a few of the many things I loved about KOTOR II: - I loved all the quests that explored your NPC's motivations and history. Especially the one with...oh no, wait that was the last game. How about the one with...no can't remember that one now either. I'm sure they'll come to me eventually. - I loved the influence system. Especially how cute it was that even after you got your NPC's alignment to be totally opposite of how they started out, they would still only react to actions according to their original alignment. Or especially that the only way to find out significant bits about your NPC's story or the game's plot required you to constantly act out-of-character. Wow, that is just genius game-building stuff. - I loved the way the most interesting story exposition took place in the blurbs during the incessant loading screens. Or even better, how great was it that your character always knew the biggest plot points before you were actually informed of them or anyone else even suspected you knew! For example: Exile: Atris, you've fallen to the dark side and I must destroy you. Atris: What?! How could you possibly have known something I've only realized for myself just now? Exile: Because I saw a cutscene at which I wasn't present between you and Kreia. And it's in my dialogue tree therefore it must be true. Exile: Visas, even though Nihilus has yet to do a point of damage, your connection to both of us is obviously the key to destroying him. And no, I don't have time to tell you how I know your master's name even though no one ever told it to me. Nihilus: SchuueeeeKrshhhhooooooBrruuuuuup!? Visas: Yeah, how the heck did you figure that out? Exile: Can't you see what's in my dialogue tree, blind woman? Do I have to put it in Braille for you? Exile: Sion, even though the last time I saw you in a cutscene you were beating the crap out of Kreia like you were her big mac pimp daddy and she was your $2 ho, I know that she is actually still your master and that there's some kind of wookie dominatrix love thing going on between you as well. Sion: That's impossible! I've never told that to anyone, not even to my own black (and admittedly always broken) heart. Exile: Fool, clearly you don't know the power of my dialogue tree! - And finally, I loved being held in anticipation for 50+ hours to learn the details of the catastrophic events that happened at Malachor V and how that leads to the fall of Revan, my exile from the order, and the creation of the Sith Lords with all the devastation that comes after. And at the end of all that waiting we were delivered the most delicious ambiguity which left our own imagination free to create whatever explanation our hearts desired. Oh, how I wanted to jump into the air in sheer joy at that point, preferably out of the highest window I could find. There's so much more I could write, but unfortunately I have to get back to another run-through of the game. (That last line is actually true. God I hate myself.)
  5. I have the game set to pause on new enemy encounters, and I use the 'X' button to queue combat commands for every character as soon as the game pauses. Yet as soon as I unpause and combat starts everyone starts running to a different enemy than the one I chose and doing a different action. Eventually they perform the actions in their queue, but by that time they're scattered all over the place. Changing everyone's default behavior to something other than "Aggressive" has helped, but it still sucks. What am I doing wrong?
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