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Everything posted by hrungnir

  1. If the text in the game said 'Revan' and the voice actor said 'him', that's cause it was changed in the text database, but someone screwed up and gave the sound recording guys the old line, which the actor read. That's the same reason why there are Yellow lightsabers instead of Gold ones. Lines where Canderous says 'him' about a female character... are a bug that a pass was done to remove. The safest and most correct way to refer to someone is the way that the person you're trying to characterize would refer to them. If that's someone using formal English, okay. If it's street slang, then that's okay as well. Aside from that, it's whatever will sound most natural to your audience.
  2. I wonder if they're going to allow the possibility of you telling the game that a female Revan romanced Juhani... Heh, that might be interesting.
  3. Well Revan didn't really have that much time to do anything, at least not in the Republic where people would know more about it. He fought as a good guy during the Mandalorian Wars, discovered the dark side while out there, and just never came back. When he did, it was at the head of his new armada and that was war. The little personal evil things tend not to get noticed when you're part of a rampaging fleet of destruction.
  4. Canderous didn't really get soft... it was more of wondering what he was going to do with his life. The pointlessness of the way he was handling things. To fight and die forgotten on some meaningless battlefield leads nowhere. But to follow a true leader, a man of destiny (Revan), and burn your names across the stars forever? That might be worthwhile. And yes, Juhani was hitting on your female char. (You dog, you...)
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